I couldn't get into the black-background/tiles concept much hence why I bought a Galaxy Young mere 2 months after my Lumia 520 back in 2013.
And yet, the one feature I truly miss is the People tile. I really loved the way it suffled photos of people in my contacts list.
I also like the Pictures tile for the same reason, although it doesn't have the same animations nor a 9-objects grid. It was fun looking at photos of my friends, coworkers, relatives shuffling. :winktongue: I have this laptop running Win 8.1 but I need an MS account to use it. :angry: I wish someone could port the People tile for Android phones as a widget or sth.
I also miss the WP keyboard, much better than Android or iPhone keyboards!
There might be other WP things I miss but I don't remember them now, haven't used WP since ages.
My main WP peeve & why I switched back to Android is that I just prefer the Win 8.x start screen rather than the version on the WP.
On Win 8.x the background of the start screen is customizable - you can change its color/graphic. In WP one couldn't customize the background to the sides of the tiles. It was a choice of black or white. In later WP updates you could use a wallpaper or a photo as tile background but that didn't look as good imo.
Also, Win 8.x start screen tiles have more colors (IE & Weather tiles are blue, People orange, Camera purple, Store green). On WP most tiles used the same system-wide color and only the Games and a few others were green.
Had the WP looked like a smaller version of Win 8.x's start screen I would've stayed. Sometimes it's little things like that that put you off a product. Btw, I'm writing this on a Win 8.1 laptop as I prefer its UI to Win 10.
And yet, the one feature I truly miss is the People tile. I really loved the way it suffled photos of people in my contacts list.
I also like the Pictures tile for the same reason, although it doesn't have the same animations nor a 9-objects grid. It was fun looking at photos of my friends, coworkers, relatives shuffling. :winktongue: I have this laptop running Win 8.1 but I need an MS account to use it. :angry: I wish someone could port the People tile for Android phones as a widget or sth.
I also miss the WP keyboard, much better than Android or iPhone keyboards!
There might be other WP things I miss but I don't remember them now, haven't used WP since ages.
My main WP peeve & why I switched back to Android is that I just prefer the Win 8.x start screen rather than the version on the WP.
On Win 8.x the background of the start screen is customizable - you can change its color/graphic. In WP one couldn't customize the background to the sides of the tiles. It was a choice of black or white. In later WP updates you could use a wallpaper or a photo as tile background but that didn't look as good imo.
Also, Win 8.x start screen tiles have more colors (IE & Weather tiles are blue, People orange, Camera purple, Store green). On WP most tiles used the same system-wide color and only the Games and a few others were green.
Had the WP looked like a smaller version of Win 8.x's start screen I would've stayed. Sometimes it's little things like that that put you off a product. Btw, I'm writing this on a Win 8.1 laptop as I prefer its UI to Win 10.

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