This fragmentation of Lumia Denim is confusing!


New member
Nov 12, 2012
I am confused and frustrated by the lumia denim update.

Microsoft has said that certain features would become available with lumia denim, particularily imaging would be vastly improved. softpay would be available, if you're carrier supports it, and some other minor improvements. When I bought the lumia 830, I was under the impression that since it had denim, I would have these updates.

I was wrong.

I expected the lack of softpay ability, and I accepted that this would be due to carriers not supporting the platform for some reason or another. What I didn't know was that Microsoft had fragmented Denim. Apparently, lumia denim which is the firmware update for Nokia/Microsoft lumias for when they upgrade to 8.1.1, was broken up. so apparently, my brand new lumia 830 has, but I have to get in order for lumia camera 5.0 to work.

This was not clear when they released denim. this was not clear when they talked about lumia camera 5.0. I feel Microsoft should not have advertised these features if they did not actual include them in denim. To me, this is true lying to the consumer in order to sell a device. I'm probably going to give Microsoft a pass, because let's face it, theres still enough there to like. but ****, I'm not recommending this device or others to friends.

If you want a platform with a true, transparent update schedule and routine, go with iOS. for everything else, there's android and windows phone.
I am sure also many other people have the same feelings about the 830 "advertisement". Let's hope that this was a first but also last "trick"
The way I see it, with the comparative lack of apps on WP in general, if you're gonna get a windows phone, might as well get the best one. Either the 930 or 1520, if you have really large hands.

If you're gonna get a mid range device, might as well go with android or iOS. At least then, what you lack in raw horse power and camera optics, you make up for with a huge variety of apps.
I really could care less about the app gap. I know specifically the apps I would want on ios, or android, but it doesn't make me want to swap os. What I do respect about ios, is when they release an update, you know what you get, and when, for everyone. Neither Android or win phone can say the same.
On my 830 under extra+info it says
OS version 8.10.14157.200
Does that mean I have windows Is that the same as the "full" Lumia denim? Because even though I seem to have the latest update, I still can't get Lumia camera 5.0
I've never seen an ad or release related to Denim that didn't include "only for the Lumia 1520, 930, and Icon" for the features where that's applicable. That's not false advertising. In fact, it's 100% the opposite of false advertising.
To the OP:

Look at Settings | About.

Your OS version will be something like 8.10.14219.341 -- that is the Windows OS version. In my case it's Windows Phone 8.1.1
Your Firmware Revision number will be something like 30151. 500009.1446.0093 -- this is mine, which is Denim (on a 928).
You are posting OS versions, not Firmware (Denim) versions.

What Firmware version does Info & extras report on your phone -- Denim or Cyan??
If you want a platform with a true, transparent update schedule and routine, go with iOS.

This one drives me nuts. I don't get why Google and Microsoft can't get their **** together yet Apple somehow manages to provide updates in time for their devices all at the same time. It really bothers me.
"It's not Microsoft's problem, it's you who didn't care to read carefully."
I don't understand this post. Was this directed at me? What's not Microsoft's problem? what didn't I read carefully? please elaborate.
What Firmware version does Info & extras report on your phone -- Denim or Cyan??

I have denim. Denim came stock on the lumia 830, including the nested folders, and everything else that I saw in the dev preview on my 1520, except the camera improvements. The confusion is the camera improvements are not in the stock denim with the lumia 830. As I understand it, the camera improvements are needed to make lumia camera 5.0 work. Microsoft has to apparently release an update to the lumia 830 in order for me to be able to use lumia camera 5.0. So, there is apparently 2 versions of denim.
This one drives me nuts. I don't get why Goggle and Microsoft can't get their **** together yet Apple somehow manages to provide updates in time for their devices all at the same time. It really bothers me.

That's because Apple only has one phone to maintain where as Goggle and Microsoft have a verity of phone to manage, different phone makes, processor , memory , etc. and I am sure each one have there own headaches for updating.
It's not a really fair comparison. iOS has 2-3 devices to maintain at any given time. Android has a thousand and there are countless Lumias out there.

The fact that Apple have their own hardware and software means they have a lot less work to do in order to get it straight.
That's because Apple only has one phone to maintain ...

I know that they have 1 OS to maintain, but isn't the hardware different from the iphone 3 to the iphone 4 to the iphone 4s to the iphone 5 to the iphone 5s and iphone 5c to the iphone 6 and iphone 6 plus? wouldn't those require similar firmware updates?
It's not a really fair comparison. iOS has 2-3 devices to maintain at any given time...

totally agree that apple has a lot less work to do then android, but they still have to provide updates on multiple carriers in multiple countries and on multiple phones. and they do it simultaneously. I think it should be something that both android and WP strive for.

I'll put it this way. as far as I know, the complaints about iOS updates are that they happened and broke something, as opposed to android and WP, which are they didn't happen or they don't know when they're going to happen.
I had the home screen folders with P4D -- that is not a Denim feature.

Does the 830 have the camera hardware necessary to run Camera 5.0??

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