"Why does Microsoft refuse to listen to their users!!!"
But Microsoft DOES listen to their users. Their users are businesses. No business is asking for an expensive MS monitor.
Businesses are asking for Windows, Office, Azure, Exchange Server and SQL Server. That's it. You know, software. MicroSOFT.
Not phones. Not music streaming services. Not watches. Not movies. Not monitors. Not PCs.
"This is why Apple does so well."
Because Apple IS a consumer-focused company. MS is not and never will be. Spend millions of dollars a year with MS and MS will listen to you. BTW, MS is also doing very well.
"Then they wonder why people are reluctant to buy their stuff. "
MS does not care about "people". Only businesses. Why is this so hard to understand?
You might as well demand that Oracle sell phones and monitors. Or IBM. Or ADP. Or Cisco. Or SAP.