No business is asking for expensive monitors? Tell me you aren't a designer without telling me you aren't a designer. Designers, architects, and artists are businesses? That's the target market for the Surface Studio! DESIGN BUSINESSES! Those are the people that rejoiced when the SS came out. That machine transformed where I worked from paper to digital design. That machine eliminated expensive large format scanners from my business, and nearly eliminated our large format printers. The price of the SS surely wasn't meant for consumers. Yet my company bought 3 of them. I know one architecture firm that bought ten Surface Studios when they first came out. That machine didn't sell very well though, not because business people didn't want it, but because it was terribly under powered for other digital work that creative businesses do. Microsoft forced people to choose between their high powered custom built computers that are necessary to get things like Maya 3D design done, and a sweet digital drafting table that was terribly under powered. A standalone monitor would have fixed this conflict.
People are business! Consumers are business people! College kids are people that use computers with Windows! SAHM's are people that use computers with Windows! Kids build computers to play games using Windows! Business people use computers after hours that use Windows! Why can't you and Microsoft understand this! This is why Microsoft failed in phones. What, they thought business people didn't want a phone when they clocked out and went home? They left their business phone in their work locker and grabbed their personal phone? They put their business fitness tracker in that locker and donned their personal fitness watch upon leaving work? I do agree with you that businesses aren't interested in music, movies or other streaming services. But if Microsoft is only interested in business, why do they have Xbox?