To anyone complaining about lack of apps, I recommend the "starvation diet" technique. I used to have an iPhone 4, and could have more or less an app for anything I needed - there's no way round it, the iOS app store is incredibly well stocked with a lot of very high quality apps. But I couldn't justify the cost of owning a ?400 smartphone when I could get one for ?150 that did 95% of the same core job, so I switched to a Palm Pre 2. Nice OS, but didn't like the hardware, which is how I ended up with a WP7 phone in the end as I thought I'd give it a try. And I'm still on the whole very happy with it.
But what my time with the Pre and the dead, dead wilderness of the WebOS marketplace showed me is that when you can't get access to any apps at all you actually realise you don't *need* that many apps at all. Sure, a lot of them are nice, but WP7 has a choice of at least 3 or 4 really good apps in all the key areas bar a few such as Skype, which are coming. If I'd come straight from the iOS app store I'd be thinking "this is poor". But coming via the WebOS marketplace means I can see that really, I'm actually still spoilt for choice.
The one genuinely weak area is still games, but even then it isn't as if there are *no* games, and it looks like Nokia are pushing this too. It's not the length of time since launch that's the issue so much as the growth of the platform - and now WP7 really is the only realistic "third platform" I can only see the breadth and depth of what's on the marketplace growing.