"Lumia 900"
4.3" Super HD AMOLED screen
1280 x 720 resolution
10mp camera w/ dual flash, 3mp ff camera
1.5GHz dual core processor (no, WP doesn't need it, but it would be nice)
1900 mah battery
1GB+ of RAM
Similar form factors as the 800
WP 7.5
All Nokia apps
Anything else you guys would like to add to this list?
4.3" Super HD AMOLED screen
1280 x 720 resolution
10mp camera w/ dual flash, 3mp ff camera
1.5GHz dual core processor (no, WP doesn't need it, but it would be nice)
1900 mah battery
1GB+ of RAM
Similar form factors as the 800
WP 7.5
All Nokia apps
Anything else you guys would like to add to this list?