Even more than the above physical stuff though, I'd like to see Nokia bring some of the software & GUI stuff that made Symbian great over to WP7. Notably:
1. Phone profiles. Pre-Set and customizable phone configuration states that allow user to quickly put phone into settings including Ring tone, ring volume, alert tone, alert volume, key input volume on/off, haptic feedback on/off, vibrate on/off, screen flashing during call or incoming msg on/off , WiFi on/off, bluetooth on/off, 3G/4G on/off, roaming on/off, etc.
2. Custom Alert tones
3. Ability to set volume for ring, alerts, music playback, speakerphone, and talk volume INDEPENDENTLY of one another
4. Ability to rename the shortcuts to apps in the secondary menu.
5. A setting to make the top bar (battery life, signal strength, BT, WiFi, time, etc. ALWAYS VIEWABLE!
I know, I know it's a crazy concept to expect my phone to do things that a circa 1999 Nokia 8210 could do, but I do still use these things as phones you know?
6. What Nokia calls "Unified MMS/SMS editor plus conversational view for SMS" on their specs for N8/E7. Basically the ability to see SMS/MMS in the classic single msg/folders view as well as conversational view. Single msg is much more useful for fwd'ing msg's, and for searching for a msg from one of a group of people that you know came at a certain time, but aren't sure of sender. I like and mostly use conversational view just as I did on my symbian phone through the iSMS app, but having the ability to see and use via folders incoming, sent, draft, failed, and outbox is useful. I miss having it.
7. Same goes for call history. I like the WP7.5 unified call history, but I miss having the ability to see outgoing, incoming, and missed calls independent of one another - it is easier and faster to call back missed calls this way.
8. Haptic feedback at startup. Nice when you have to reset a phone while driving or doing something else.
9. Bluetooth - ability to nick name devices. Pretty helpful when you have more than one. Esp. when you have more than one of same. For example, I have two jawbones. They both read as "jawbone." Great, so which one is which? Am I connected to the fresh one or the dead battery one?
10. Physical Keyboard specific gripes:
- Start searching phone book as soon as I type a letter on physical keyboard
- Dbl click on CAPS or fn to lock on.
- Pressing down or up takes you to beginning of the line when at top or bottom of page
11. A better browser. One with actual back and fwd buttons, and a home page, and maybe a customizable splash page. You know, something like a real browser. Also, the ability to set whether I prefer to view mobile or full web pages. Basically I want my Opera Mobile back...
12. Ability to actually close apps. I don't give a hoot how efficient the save state thing is. I don't want to hold down back key to bring up apps then scroll through a bunch of apps I'm not using that should just be closed.
13. Lastly, FOLDERS AND REAL MULTI-TASKING! Are you kidding me MS? Didn't you people more or less invent folders based GUI? WTF?
The last three are MS things and it's unrealistic to think a Nokia sub-build can change them, but I really hope the other stuff is done.