This might be the Windows Phone 10 Start Screen

Hmm, interesting. Contrary to what a lot of people seem to be saying, I like it a lot. I wouldn't say it's better or worse than the current start screen, but it's definitely nice. I've always been interested to see how the metro interface of Windows 8/8.1 would translate down onto Windows Phone.
Yes. Yes. This looks wonderful. But an option for the current transparent tiles without wasted space should be retained.
That UI has flaw. - Waste of space.

I don't think their will be any major change in UI.
That would be pretty cool if it looked like this, WP could use a facelift.
yup this is good,... I guess it will be appreciated if Aeroglass was brought to the phone too...(i'm assuming that's the right term.. correct me if im wrong)
I want my theme colour on the background, not a picture. WP isn't iOS or Android, it should stick to be different.

WP 8.1 UI is already almost perfect
I would really like translucent live tiles in Windows 10. And not a lot, very very slight. But the solid color is sometimes too bold for me. More options/ ways to customize is better!
These UIs look really nice for WP10 concept! What we need are options though as to not alienate people who like how it is now.
I'm honestly not sure what the appeal of most of these concepts are - most of them look incredibly cluttered compared to WP is currently, and have redundant duplicate features that you can get to easily elsewhere in the interface. I think you're most likely to see a parallel of W10 UI in the phone, so I'd expect a huge live tile option, but the rest would be an evolution of the current interface rather than a duplication of the competition.
I'm not a fan of a start screen background like that one...
the tiles aren't standing out and that reduces the uniqueness of Windows (Phone) UI...
Aaaand too many unused spaces...

Just my 2 cents :3

P.S. I'm referring to the OP btw

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