I like the arrow.. I don't understand why people hate it so much.
The tiles are large enough, how is it wasted space? A second one obviously would be
Because there is nothing but space beneath the arrow, which I think could be untilized in other ways, perhaps by making the tiles just a little smaller, and being able to fit them 3 across instead of just 2. I don't know. It's not a deal-breaker, but it just doesn't serve any function, yet takes away space that could be functional.
Why do you like the arrow? I'm not judging, just asking. I could see being indifferent to it, but to actually LIKE it? What's to like about it?
I just like the look of it..
It adds to the style of the UI, I personally wouldn't want smaller tiles three across. Then you might as well just keep making them smaller and smaller and have generic icons.
No, there's no reason to go to that extreme. I think 3 is a perfect number where they're still big enough to provide the same information they already do, and they're still live, but you can fit a few more on the screen without scrolling. They'd still be nothing like the static icons of iOS and Android.
OK N8ter. You're obviously not going to stop until you're told that you're 100% correct. So here...
You're right. I'm wrong. The current notification system does not work for me or anyone else. In fact....lookie here! I have 278 emails, 305 texts, 930 missed calls and 393 voicemails all accumulated over the past year that I didn't even know about, thanks to the horrible notification system of WP, and (apparently) my own inadequacies as a person and a businessman.
And here I thought my family, friends and clients had all just plumb forgotten about me.
Thank you N8ter. I owe you big time.![]()
I like what windows did, i got tired of thousand squares all over multiple screens, found it annoying, I've used a iphone for over 3 years, and the fact that windows phone did something completely different from both android and iphone, made me switch over, I think it's much better, now I don't have as much crap on the front screen helps me keep the home screen clean with vital stuff that i need to see in the front screen. Fantastic