This OS is in desperate need of a 2nd home screen.

I like the arrow.. I don't understand why people hate it so much.

The tiles are large enough, how is it wasted space? A second one obviously would be
I like the arrow.. I don't understand why people hate it so much.

The tiles are large enough, how is it wasted space? A second one obviously would be

Because there is nothing but space beneath the arrow, which I think could be untilized in other ways, perhaps by making the tiles just a little smaller, and being able to fit them 3 across instead of just 2. I don't know. It's not a deal-breaker, but it just doesn't serve any function, yet takes away space that could be functional.

Why do you like the arrow? I'm not judging, just asking. I could see being indifferent to it, but to actually LIKE it? What's to like about it?
Because there is nothing but space beneath the arrow, which I think could be untilized in other ways, perhaps by making the tiles just a little smaller, and being able to fit them 3 across instead of just 2. I don't know. It's not a deal-breaker, but it just doesn't serve any function, yet takes away space that could be functional.

Why do you like the arrow? I'm not judging, just asking. I could see being indifferent to it, but to actually LIKE it? What's to like about it?

I just like the look of it..

It adds to the style of the UI, I personally wouldn't want smaller tiles three across. Then you might as well just keep making them smaller and smaller and have generic icons.
I just like the look of it..

It adds to the style of the UI, I personally wouldn't want smaller tiles three across. Then you might as well just keep making them smaller and smaller and have generic icons.

No, there's no reason to go to that extreme. I think 3 is a perfect number where they're still big enough to provide the same information they already do, and they're still live, but you can fit a few more on the screen without scrolling. They'd still be nothing like the static icons of iOS and Android.
No, there's no reason to go to that extreme. I think 3 is a perfect number where they're still big enough to provide the same information they already do, and they're still live, but you can fit a few more on the screen without scrolling. They'd still be nothing like the static icons of iOS and Android.

I like the size of them now...

like when you facbook notification shows on the me tile, i can't imagine how small and illegible the text would be if the tiles were in rows of threes. It would make the tiles considerably smaller since they are squares.
I love the way the arrow rotates when you swipe bck and fort from app list to start screen :)

Sent from my Radar 4G using Board Express
I just posted this idea on another thread, but I think it fits here too...

I don't think a notification screen is necessary, but I do like the idea of a three screen carousel. I would use the screen to the left as a place for double sized tiles. The start screen would have all square tiles, while the screen to the left would have all rectangular tiles. Developers could offer both options in apps. I think the rectangular ones would be really cool for some apps like twitter and weather for example. It would come loaded with pictures and calendar. It could even have the me tile scrolling notifications.

The screen to the right could stay the same as it is now and the three screens would be a carousel.
This thread has degenerated into utter hilarity.

To the person above, sone of us own Windows phones and still carrynAndroid or iOS devices because a decent notification is needed, especially if a device is to be used in any serious capacity (like for business use).

The current notification system and slow push notifications are indefensible. I don't even know why people try. "Different strokes for different folk" doesn't even begin to apply here.

Sent from my SGH-T959 using Tapatalk
I still think, staying true to the style of wp7 Os, the only thing that would be needed for the best way to view notifications is a second metro UI screen. Anyone could utilize it in any way but having a screen that has all notification tiles that you could get to in one swipe is a no brainer. Because having only one screen that shows every single thing from notifications to web links to tools to pictures etc... plus the phone dialer and contacts bunched in there too, is one big mess that gets bigger over time. • A simple update•
to N8ter: I think this thread has generated alot of good ideas. Maybe Microsoft'll consider some of them. But I totally see your point..
OK N8ter. You're obviously not going to stop until you're told that you're 100% correct. So here...

You're right. I'm wrong. The current notification system does not work for me or anyone else. In fact....lookie here! I have 278 emails, 305 texts, 930 missed calls and 393 voicemails all accumulated over the past year that I didn't even know about, thanks to the horrible notification system of WP, and (apparently) my own inadequacies as a person and a businessman.

And here I thought my family, friends and clients had all just plumb forgotten about me.

Thank you N8ter. I owe you big time. :)
OK N8ter. You're obviously not going to stop until you're told that you're 100% correct. So here...

You're right. I'm wrong. The current notification system does not work for me or anyone else. In fact....lookie here! I have 278 emails, 305 texts, 930 missed calls and 393 voicemails all accumulated over the past year that I didn't even know about, thanks to the horrible notification system of WP, and (apparently) my own inadequacies as a person and a businessman.

And here I thought my family, friends and clients had all just plumb forgotten about me.

Thank you N8ter. I owe you big time. :)


Typical of him..

He really doesn't seem to understand the word "opinion", so I'll post a definition so that he might finally grasp the concept.



1.A view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.
2.The beliefs or views of a large number or majority of people about a particular thing.
An opinion is normally a subjective statement that can be the result of an emotion or an individual interpretation of a fact.

Hopefully that won't be too hard for you to comprehend, judging by the difficulty you're having with it, I would say English is not your first language.
I like what windows did, i got tired of thousand squares all over multiple screens, found it annoying, I've used a iphone for over 3 years, and the fact that windows phone did something completely different from both android and iphone, made me switch over, I think it's much better, now I don't have as much crap on the front screen helps me keep the home screen clean with vital stuff that i need to see in the front screen. Fantastic
I like what windows did, i got tired of thousand squares all over multiple screens, found it annoying, I've used a iphone for over 3 years, and the fact that windows phone did something completely different from both android and iphone, made me switch over, I think it's much better, now I don't have as much crap on the front screen helps me keep the home screen clean with vital stuff that i need to see in the front screen. Fantastic

I have a whole bunch of crap on the home screen because there's no where else to put it! ..Unless I wanna search through an ever-growing alphebetical list of apps, find what Im looking for, open it, then view notifications or information.

Apps ARE what your homescreen IS. No way to ORGANIZE things.
You can use the home screen for the stuff you need most and use tell me to open other apps. It works well and is faster than scrolling through many apps.
It's reasonable to want a way to see toasts after they've passed, but whatever method is chosen needs to be consistent with Metro, even as Metro evolves. (I'm not so much interested in a second way to know how many missed calls, texts, or emails I have since their LiveTiles already do that.) How's this as a possible way: A new app that holds missed toasts.

When pinned to the Start page, the "toast log" tile shows the number of new toasts that were not opened or dismissed by the user. The app displays a list that contains an item for each app that has received a toast. Tapping the item expands to show the toasts that came in for that app, in the same way that threaded email does today. Tapping the specific toast performs the action (either launching the app's main page or deep link).

Tapping the left edge of the screen displays the checkboxes that lets the user select specific apps or toasts. It also discplays a new app bar that lets the user delete the checked items, again, just as in the email app.

This method can add a toast archive in a Metro-y way, supports LiveTiles for those who want to see the missed toast count, and allows opening of and discarding of toasts just like the built-in email app so users already know how to work it. The downside is that Microsoft would have to write it because third-party developers can't intercept incoming toasts to log them.

Tell me is a good feature. But its novel. Not gonna talk to my phone when in public or at work lol. I enjoy using this phone but there seems to be so many work-arounds.

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