Those of you who upgraded via the penny sale -what are you doing with your old phone?


Nov 11, 2010
I am moving on to the HTC Titan, and leaving behind my beloved Samsung Focus. For all the hardware issues I had (replaced it multiple times on warranty), it was still the best phone I've ever had.

I'm going to give it to my daughter. She's currently using an HTC Aria with a broken screen. I tricked it out to run Cyanogenmod and look like a Windows Phone, but with the screen cracked, and the natural lagginess of the smaller processor grinding away on CM7, she will be very pleased with a real Windows Phone.
My girl is going to switch from Sprint to AT&T and shes' going to use my old Focus. Originally I was going to get my girl the Focus Flash and I was going to get whatever Nokia came out with. My Focus was just going to go to another family member or I was going to sell it. After playing with the Titan I just had to have it. So now I'm getting the Titan and my wife is getting my Focus. The Flash is now out of the equation. I think she will appreciate having my Focus more than the Flash since it takes better pictures.
Keeping my unlimited data plan and the trusty focus for now since ATT on line said new data plan required. May get the 199,00 focus or titan in store and be able to keep my unltd data plan! Then focus would be the backup phone. I would sell my titlt 2 and pure or donate them.
They only suggest that you change your data plan, but sending it to my cousin when I get home

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Using it just for workout music/GPS. My Omnia 7 is smaller than the Titan.
I'm also keeping my Omnia around because I like messing with developer stuff, and so far I haven't found a way to Interop Unlock my HTC.
I'll just hang on to my iphone 4. If the Nokia Ace/900 looks anything like those old concept windows nokia phones and has a 4inch + Super Amoled Screen then I'll sell the iphone and titan for it. Or sell my Iphone and Ipad for a Nokia tablet if its cool.
My old phone is a Motorola Atrix, and I am keeping it as a backup. I have a Samsung Captivate that I plan to experiment on with rooting and whatnot.
My girlfriends Samsung Nexus S broke so she'll be using my phone for a few days after that it will be strictly backup.
I didn't do the penny sale but I can participate in this thread right?

I got my radar a week ago today. My Arrive is just sitting there. I don't know anybody who is on Sprint so I might try to sell it.
I didn't do the penny sale but I can participate in this thread right?

I got my radar a week ago today. My Arrive is just sitting there. I don't know anybody who is on Sprint so I might try to sell it.

it's been a month or two but I got my Arrive off eBay for like $187, and they were all going for around that price
it's been a month or two but I got my Arrive off eBay for like $187, and they were all going for around that price

Thanks for the tip. Around here they are going on craigslist for $200-$250. I don't know if they are actually selling though, some of the posts are kind of old. I guess I should just start high :)
I'm trying to flog my unlocked, unbranded mozart plus extended battery on eBay. Annoyingly, no bites as yet.

Hey, D5, how about a marketplace like they have over on PreCentral?
Im upgrading from a Iphone 3GS, so I'm just going to turn that into my remote control for the house
Just yesterday my faithful old Palm Pre started dying an ungraceful death. Randomly opens and closes apps when I'm not touching the screen at all. Made a few phone calls, opened and typed gibberish into text memos, tried to text my wife - all while I'm just staring at it completely hands off. :confused:

It must have heard that my new one cent Focus S is arriving in tomorrows mail. Guess the Pre is headed for the recycling center.
Kids toy.

There should have been an unlimited data smart phone plan for $30. That was the one I chose. Same price as my grandfathered plan.

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