Thoughts on Gun Bros?

the upper tier items are way way way over priced. Like to get a full set of the best armor is over $100(estimating). But it is free and you can grind it out for free. My gt is the same as my un if you need bros!

I've added a few of you as freinds. Please add me. GT: 3lackdeath
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Seriously enjoying this game. Want a Gun Bros Brotherhood play? just hit me @KENZIBIT AND LET'S WASTE SOME T.O.O.L.s
So I pulled the trigger as some may have noticed.. I got the Coronal Ejector over the Quad Blender.. Its has a pretty slow rpm rate, but man does it blow stuff up! Works great in the horde modes, I've scored over 1000 kills in each of the first 6 levels already. :)

I've actually collected many more coins after aquiring the launcher, I'm back up to +50k, so I am hoping to purchase the Quad Blender soon!
Any tips for us so that we can follow you and easily get 1000 kills each time in Bokor??? ;) I agree the Coronal works great in the horde mode but ihmo it is too slow to be used in other planets, still loving the double gun type.

right now im taking advantage of your BRO one shot killing every thing for me , lol.
+1.. thanks to many of you I can have many bros that help me :D heheh Bros makes a lots of differences ;) but I think by connecting to XBL it makes the loading time longer.. What happened if I disconnect from XBL apart from that I cant ask a bro help, and couldn't use the better refineries & get less exp/ xplodium?

Any one else having problems with this game NOT connecting you to XBOX LIVE and having to reset the game 2-3 times to have it connect. freaking annoying. (specially with the load time)

Also , how do I collect that 1-5day Online play reward? it just sit there saying im at my 5dayz.. but how do i collect it? i only have 1$ (not coins) and its not going up.

the more i play this game the more unstable it gets.. grr crashing on me now .. Black screen ... then nothing..

to bad cause its a fun free game!
I thought it is only me that having difficulty to connect to XBOX LIVE (I blamed Vodafail :()..

And can anyone pls enlight me about BroOps challenge? There was a requests coming through but I could not do anything about it. I tried to click on the request, nothing happened.. And it seems I cant even claim the reward even for the solo challenge..:confused:
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You can use lots of health and the green shields to finish Bokor, that's what I did.

Sent from my HTC HD7 using Board Express
holy friend request batman!!

open my Xbox live HUb today to wake up to 11 friend request lol.

more bro's for the road!!!

@Kenzibit: are does socks i see in saddles on your avatar? :giggle:
Any tips for us so that we can follow you and easily get 1000 kills each time in Bokor??? ;) I agree the Coronal works great in the horde mode but ihmo it is too slow to be used in other planets, still loving the double gun type.

+1.. thanks to many of you I can have many bros that help me :D heheh Bros makes a lots of differences ;) but I think by connecting to XBL it makes the loading time longer.. What happened if I disconnect from XBL apart from that I cant ask a bro help, and couldn't use the better refineries & get less exp/ xplodium?

I thought it is only me that having difficulty to connect to XBOX LIVE (I blamed Vodafail :()..

And can anyone pls enlight me about BroOps challenge? There was a requests coming through but I could not do anything about it. I tried to click on the request, nothing happened.. And it seems I cant even claim the reward even for the solo challenge..:confused:
@sssutanto - For Bokor, I used the WTF7000 for most of my battles to 1000+ kills paired with another Bro that has a spread gun or a Coronal Ejector. Combined its a deadly combo. The C.E. was good for the first 300 or so, but once you take down the first horde they come a lot faster. I essentially run around blasting away with my WTF7000, not sure what the comparable "coin-based" spread gun is, but that's the method to my madness...

The WTF7000 has a 7 shot spread and covers about 120 degrees of area without moving.
Not sure if it's just random coincidence, but it seems starting Gun Bros after logging into Wordament can help with the log-on problems.

Don't have any friends on my Live account at all (never had an xbox, and made a new account when I got the phone), so feel free to add Interferens if you like.
any one else havign issues with the quick resume nto working???

if i push back , or the windows button , when i go to quick resume its NEVER there.. freaking annoying/
any one else havign issues with the quick resume nto working???

if i push back , or the windows button , when i go to quick resume its NEVER there.. freaking annoying/

Yep, same thing. Hasnt happened too many times to me but still, have to hope the update isnt far off.
yeah seriously the update better come soon,

if my phone goes to sleep i have to start over from the start!!! :( and it goes to sleep every 5min!! if i actually need to work for 5min i lose it :(

one more thing: is the ZOMBIE area suppose to be this small and not expend like other maps?
hard to stay clear when u got no room!!
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Gun Bro tip, dont work when you want to play Gun Bros! :)

I'm not fond of that Zombie level, it is cramped and then you have those walls as well. That one Im not sure I will finish.
holy friend request batman!!

open my Xbox live HUb today to wake up to 11 friend request lol.

more bro's for the road!!!

@Kenzibit: are does socks i see in saddles on your avatar? :giggle:

Exactly bro, just wanna look different...heheheeh ;-)

Sent from my HTC HD7 using Board Express
@sssutanto - For Bokor, I used the WTF7000 for most of my battles to 1000+ kills paired with another Bro that has a spread gun or a Coronal Ejector. Combined its a deadly combo. The C.E. was good for the first 300 or so, but once you take down the first horde they come a lot faster. I essentially run around blasting away with my WTF7000, not sure what the comparable "coin-based" spread gun is, but that's the method to my madness...

The WTF7000 has a 7 shot spread and covers about 120 degrees of area without moving.

WTF7000 is too expensive for me.

Sent from my HTC HD7 using Board Express
Gun Bros has indeed gotten me a lot of gamer it ;-)
I think I need an XBOX Console to get more G points.

Sad thing is, I can't install Contract Killer after download.....what's wrong and am I the only person with this issue? :'(

Sent from my HTC HD7 using Board Express
This is actually one of the only games I've ever liked to play on a phone... The best! Add me GT Sterk13
You know, out of all the things going on with Windows Phone at the moment, this is by far my most favourite thing. I play this game at work when I can sneak it in, and at home I'm on it as much as possible. Enjoying it immensly. Gun Bros for life!!! :D :cool:
WTF7000 is too expensive for me.

Sent from my HTC HD7 using Board Express
yeah way too expensive for me too.. not sure if there is any equivalent for the coins..

I am now just trying 1 by 1 which one works best.. atm using Predator & Belly Busters.. if you have non warbucks fave pls let me know.. i will try it :D
So, what's up with the missing Bros? I added a bunch of people from this thread, and all were accessible while pending. But... a few hours later I have no available Bros, and the two that now are confirmed friends show up only on the leaderboards.

Edit: Gone, back, gone, back. I guess "intermittent" is the keyword here.
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