We're quick to point out the Nokia failure when it comes to purchases made by MSFT, however was it really a failure because it hasn't shown a growth the likes of Apple or Google in the past six years? Some investments by dividends immediately, where most pay off in the long run. I actually look at the Nokia purchase not being a total bust for MSFT, and the technology acquired by that purchase will eventually pay dividends. The purchase of Skype still hasn't truly paid dividends, but I think MSFT is just scratching the surface with how to really utilize it and now with LinkedIn, I can see that expounding from a business and enterprise perspective. These purchases will take years to really pan out but I do think LinkedIn was something that if MSFT's focus is to be the enterprise part of the spectrum, it was a necessary purchase. The Minecraft purchase was a good one, but what I'm really looking forward to is when you integrate it with Hololens.
I think sometimes MSFT has their hands in so many pots its hard to see what direction they're trying to go in. I do think however they have been doing a pretty good job as of late and I expect that to continue.