And Im not likely to mess around with anything. I might try hard reset, but doing something more complex - meh.
So the op came here, complained bitterly about their experience but was only really willing to do a hard reset, 'nothing more complex'. It would probably take a similar amount of time to do the hard reset as actually making their posts - not that a hard reset is actually that complex. Though as many of us are insiders and the op isn't, then it's likely we're more interested in Windows than they are.
The main options to pursue seemed to be a hard reset and moving apps to the device, off from the SD card. Op could have trialled an Insider preview but that would carry some risk - even if the more recent builds are pretty good.
Let's hope that op got more success away from the SD card or even using a different card in the device. If peope go quiet, it may just be because they're satisfied and that they now have perfection!