Tired of waiting


New member
Jul 22, 2011
Ok MS and Verizon- and which every OEM manufacturer is out there. I am done waiting for a mango device on Verizon. The Iphone event is next week. At some point soon the pricing for the current iphone 4 will drop to $100 (if things go as they usually have). At that point- I am pulling the plug on waiting for a new WP7 with front facing camera to arrive on Verizon. Hello iphone
To each their own. If you're not happy, then best of luck to you! But the only one to blame here is Verizon. MS and the OEM's can't force them to carry new devices. The OEM's offer to sell them to the carriers and they either buy them or they don't.
I don't blame you one bit. I'm deciding to leave Verizon if I don't see a new WP soon, but I also have lived in areas where Verizon is, without question, the best option. If that's your case, I completely understand why you'd want the iPhone instead of the Trophy. Here's to Verizon surprising us all with a new WP in the next week or two. A man can dream, can't he?
Yea you never know, Verizon might have a surprise up their sleeve. It seems weird that the CDMA carriers don't have any Mango phones to announce. Maybe the phone makers only have time to support GSM as it's a worldwide standard?
I am in the SF Bay Area and Verizon is by far the best carrier in the area. After talking to many friends, there is no way I would switch carriers. Unfortunately, it seems Verizon's support for WP7 is minimal at best. My wife has an iphone and is very happy with it. Sure, I would prefer the WP7 experience but it is not worth changing carriers for.
Yea you never know, Verizon might have a surprise up their sleeve. It seems weird that the CDMA carriers don't have any Mango phones to announce. Maybe the phone makers only have time to support GSM as it's a worldwide standard?

Well, one thing is for certain, CDMA carriers get waaaaay less to choose from. That is why I am done with CDMA. For the first time in my life, I will go to a GSM carrier, AT&T. Tired of having one or two global roaming to pick from on Sprint or VZW. So yea, if you want choice and ecosystem diversity, get onto a GSM carrier now.
Everyone calm down and give it a week or two...trust me... plus anyways iPhone 5 wont be released right away on oct. 4th, might take a few weeks. iPhone 4 wont be reduced untill it is released and maybe not right away..we will see.. As far as Google and Droid go...ICS and new ICS phones wont be released untill late oct, early nov.

Yes Every major compeitor, Google, Apple, ETC all has exciting releases coming up. Do you really think Windows phone and Microsoft wont release a Verizon phone, which is the largest carrier is the country, to go against all these other phones? Cmon now...

When its all said and done and all the new phones and operating systems are out (next 2 months) make your decision then. Patience will pay off.....
It isn't up to Microsoft. It's Verizon who makes the decision whether or not they want to carry any Windows Phone devices, and right now they don't seem very enthusiastic.
lol you dont think microsoft has any pull on whether verizon puts a phone out for them??? All boils down to money. Microsoft knows Verizon is Droid and iPhone and is going to stay droid untill that contract is up. Thats why they are going more of the ATT route. ATT used to be known for iPhone but that is slowly changing..
lol you dont think microsoft has any pull on whether verizon puts a phone out for them???

No, I don't. What it all boils down to is that the OEMs offer the carrier (in this case, Verizon) handsets for them to sell and they either buy them or they don't. Unlike Apple, MS has nothing to do with contracting the manufacture of WP handsets and therefore have nothing to do with the agreements with the carriers. They simply license Windows Phone to the OEM and the OEM in turn shops their devices to the different carriers. Sorry if you don't agree, but that's just how it works. Why do you think Verizon doesn't already carry a variety of WP phones right now like they do with Android? It isn't because they can't, it's because they're not interested.
I agree with JBozz, I also do not think Microsoft has any impact on new devices coming to such and such a carrier. However, I am very frustrated that it is taking so long to get anything new. With the T-Mobile announcement today, I am have now given up hope on my one to two week theory for any device to hit the USA on any carrier. I will most likely be without any cell phone until next year now. Oh well.
Why do you think Verizon doesn't already carry a variety of WP phones right now like they do with Android? It isn't because they can't, it's because they're not interested.

Because Verizon and Google/Droid have a partnership?

Groundbreaking Agreement Between Verizon Wireless and Google to... -- BASKING RIDGE, N.J., and MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif., Oct. 6 /PRNewswire/ --

Verizon doesn't have a deal like this to this extent with Microsoft.

Now the point of this whole thread, just wait and see. Verizon seems to be expressing more interest in WP7 along with the possible partnership they will have with Xbox and video streaming. It is going to be a interesting few months!
TC, I can't say I blame you for getting impatient. My recommendation would be to at least wait until the holiday season is here. A LOT of new smartphones get announced/released in the Fall. There is the updated version of the Samsung Omnia 7 that recently went through FCC certification with CDMA bands. . . the only question now is whether it's going to Sprint or Verizon. Also, Nokia World is October 26-27, so hopefully we'll know a lot more about their WP7 plans then.

I certainly wouldn't blame you for jumping the gun and getting an iPhone 5/Galaxy S II/whatever. But you might be kicking yourself shortly thereafter :)
Because Verizon and Google/Droid have a partnership?

Groundbreaking Agreement Between Verizon Wireless and Google to... -- BASKING RIDGE, N.J., and MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif., Oct. 6 /PRNewswire/ --

Verizon doesn't have a deal like this to this extent with Microsoft.

Now the point of this whole thread, just wait and see. Verizon seems to be expressing more interest in WP7 along with the possible partnership they will have with Xbox and video streaming. It is going to be a interesting few months!

Doesnt that just confirm that they are not interested in WP7 as a conscious decision and not because MS is unwilling to have more WP7 devices on their network?
Let's think this through. The possible reasons that Verizon doesn't have more than one Windows Phone could be: because it is CDMA, because Microsoft hasn't pressured them enough, because the OEMs aren't providing them with any choices, or Verizon doesn't want to carry a WP selection. I honestly believe all of these are correct in some degree.

Let's start with the fact that it is a CDMA carrier. It may appear that CDMA carriers have a lot less to choose from, but it seems that Verizon is doing quite well when it comes to having the latest and greatest Droid selection. They have the tons of Motodroids (including the bionic), tons of HTCs (incredible 2, thunderbolt, etc), and more.

That shifts the burden of blame to the OEMs, Verizon, or Microsoft. Microsoft, like others said, is not the company that makes or sells the phones. They have provided their OS to support CDMA and now they are more or less done. That leaves the OEMs and Verizon. Verizon claims that it only puts out what OEMs give it, while Verizon was the last carrier (after even Sprint, which ideally would be less desirable to OEMs, as they aren't nearly as big as Verizon) to receive a Windows Phone. So where does the fault lie?

I believe right now the fault is in the OEMs. I feel like it is too coincidental that neither Sprint or Verizon have an announced WP. They probably aren't creating phones for Verizon and Sprint yet, though, because they are still CDMA, and so they might have put them on the back burner (although I can't imagine why anyone would neglect Verizon Wireless). However, I feel that both Verizon and Microsoft are to blame, as well. Microsoft definitely has the weight to make OEMs produce their devices, so they obviously don't believe that their Verizon and Sprint market shares are either in trouble or big enough to worry about. As for Verizon, it has been clear that they've had some hostility toward WP in the past (although, they seem like they're slowly coming around).

tl;dr - Hierarchy of fault: OEMs > CDMA > Verizon > Microsoft
I think it's kind of unlikely, given Microsoft's supposed big boy status, that if they could lean so heavily on the carriers that they wouldn't have done this already. And outside of certain specific hardware requirements set out in the WP licensing agreement, once they hand it over to the OEM they pretty much have no say in how the handsets are designed, engineered or constructed after that. What OEMs make is either what they think they can sell to the carriers or what the carriers request per spec order. I mean let's think about this for a sec. VZW is indeed the largest carrier in the U.S. Knowing that, doesn't it stand to reason that OEM's would inundate them with WP handsets, CDMA or not, if they were willing to sell them? We also can't discount the fact that VZW has a pretty well earned reputation for wanting to be the one to call the shots. We're talking about a carrier here who initially turned up their nose at Apple because they couldn't have things their way, that is until the iPhone started selling like pies at a fat farm. So I think it's not beyond reason to think that they're quite comfortable with their feet firmly planted in the two market leaders camps right now and anything WP is just an afterthought for them until it starts to pick up popularity and market share. Given all this I still stand by my contention that without carrier backing there is little that either MS or the OEMs can do to force the situation aside from better marketing.
Everyone calm down and give it a week or two...trust me... plus anyways iPhone 5 wont be released right away on oct. 4th, might take a few weeks. iPhone 4 wont be reduced untill it is released and maybe not right away..we will see.. As far as Google and Droid go...ICS and new ICS phones wont be released untill late oct, early nov.

Yes Every major compeitor, Google, Apple, ETC all has exciting releases coming up. Do you really think Windows phone and Microsoft wont release a Verizon phone, which is the largest carrier is the country, to go against all these other phones? Cmon now...

When its all said and done and all the new phones and operating systems are out (next 2 months) make your decision then. Patience will pay off.....

Look at the phone they got last year and that shows how much verizon and MS care. Also maybe the OEM's are going more for gsm carriers because they can be used anywhere and cdma is mostly just in the U.S. Add that to the not so great sales and I can see why OEM's but cdma carriers on the back burner.
To each their own. If you're not happy, then best of luck to you! But the only one to blame here is Verizon. MS and the OEM's can't force them to carry new devices. The OEM's offer to sell them to the carriers and they either buy them or they don't.

Exactly. I don't blame you for moving onto another device/OS if your provider isn't carrying anything new, but that's your provider's fault. If you like WP7 and are close to being out of contract, that could be another option.

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