Titan DOA


New member
Sep 6, 2011
So, I went to Best Buy last night because my black-saturday Titan was having some minor problems: random screen-freezes mid-scroll or mid-text or mid-email. Had to exit to lock screen, losing whatever was in progress.

They had a Titan there, so they swapped it. No big deal, right?

Well the replacement device was *jacked*. It randomly reset at least 3 times last night, so I knew it, too would have to go back. Before I could take it back, it died a sudden death. I woke up 2 3am to find it stuck on the HTC screen. Battery pull, nothing. Could not turn it on or off, could not reset. Had it plugged in, yet battery died - clearly would not take a charge.

Took it back again this morning and they exchanged again. I saw this one come out of the closet and *I* broke the seal on the box. I will never know whether they inadvertently gave me someone else's return yesterday, but I can only hope that is what it was.

Setting up new Titan for 3rd time in 2 weeks...Has anyone else had this happen? A completely dead Titan?
I went through nonsense like that with my Focus, went through 3 of em before i had a properly working on.

Luckily my Titan seems perfect so far! (except that damn power button RAWR!)
Mine is all good... knock on wood. I've been carrying it naked, but may start looking for a case soon; everyone wants to play with my device and I really don't trust folks holding my phone.
Mine is all good... knock on wood. I've been carrying it naked, but may start looking for a case soon; everyone wants to play with my device and I really don't trust folks holding my phone.

Really happy to hear that this is likely a fluke. Still don't want any other phone now that I've had my hands on it!

Be careful with hard cases...saw others say they scratched up the phone back...saw one in person that was definitely scratched a bit from the case.
Really happy to hear that this is likely a fluke. Still don't want any other phone now that I've had my hands on it!

Be careful with hard cases...saw others say they scratched up the phone back...saw one in person that was definitely scratched a bit from the case.
Thanks... I usually put microfiber cloth to shield it from the case.
Going on my second week with mine--checked two different stores today and one yesterday...NOBODY has any cases for this phone! They claim they have had them, but are sold out.

With the inventory shortage at the corporate stores at launch, how are they already out of accessories? I would think that they would be overstocked on cases, but 7 or 8 stores here in the Dallas area have none whatsoever...

I tried Samsung Infuse for a couple of days when it first launched, but took it back--so I took a razor blade to the Infuse gel skin I had laying on my desk--it ain't pretty by any means, but it is a little comfort for the time being...

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