Titan frequently loses connection to wireless network


New member
Sep 29, 2011
I got the Titan yesterday. The first potentially showstopper (for me) issue that I noticed is that it is unable to stay connected to my wireless network at home.

I read somewhere that there were firmware updates that could fix this problem, but I have received none so far. I will research this during the week but unfortunately the Titan will have to go if the problem remains unresolved.
I got the Titan yesterday. The first potentially showstopper (for me) issue that I noticed is that it is unable to stay connected to my wireless network at home.

I read somewhere that there were firmware updates that could fix this problem, but I have received none so far. I will research this during the week but unfortunately the Titan will have to go if the problem remains unresolved.
The phone turns off WiFi when it is sleeping, unless it is plugged in to an electrical outlet. So it isn't necessarily a "problem" - it's to save battery. It would be nice if they gave us a setting to change this though. I noticed it when I was trying to download some audiobooks and it kept cutting off.
The phone turns off WiFi when it is sleeping, unless it is plugged in to an electrical outlet. So it isn't necessarily a "problem" - it's to save battery. It would be nice if they gave us a setting to change this though. I noticed it when I was trying to download some audiobooks and it kept cutting off.

This does not work for me when I am listening to streaming media - like TuneIn or Slacker.
It cuts off even if the screen is on?

I haven't noticed that behavior. But you certainly cannot expect someone to keep their screen on while listening to streaming music now, can you? The wireless shutting down when in sleep will also impact the receipt of email which will be forced to use data.
I haven't noticed that behavior. But you certainly cannot expect someone to keep their screen on while listening to streaming music now, can you? The wireless shutting down when in sleep will also impact the receipt of email which will be forced to use data.

I am pretty sure right before the phone polls for new e-mails and whatnot while sleeping it turns WiFi on temporarily, it just doesn't leave it on to suck up your battery. I do wish that if something were streaming using WiFi it would not turn off.
I can't give any input about Wifi dropping while tasks are running and the screen "sleeps" but its supposed to keep Wifi on while its plugged in, isn't it? I thought I read that. I suppose, you could plug it in whenever you are able to (at home, work, car).

I wish it did not have this Wifi "sleep" feature though. Blackberry's do not disconnect Wifi and there are no noticeable battery issues from keeping Wifi on. It just doesn't make sense to me.
My iphone drops out of wifi when locked. Or at least it seems to. No idea if it actually does. But I know when I unlock, that the icon in the bar is the 3G not the wifi. After a couple seconds it is the wifi icon again. I will have to double check the lock screen but I would assume the same.
I can't give any input about Wifi dropping while tasks are running and the screen "sleeps" but its supposed to keep Wifi on while its plugged in, isn't it? I thought I read that. I suppose, you could plug it in whenever you are able to (at home, work, car).

I wish it did not have this Wifi "sleep" feature though. Blackberry's do not disconnect Wifi and there are no noticeable battery issues from keeping Wifi on. It just doesn't make sense to me.

It does. I would be nice if it also kept WiFi on if it's being used for streaming while the screen is off. It's weird that it doesn't. With Android you turn change a setting to leave WiFi on all the time even if the screen is off, hopefully one gets added to WP by Microsoft.
It does. I would be nice if it also kept WiFi on if it's being used for streaming while the screen is off. It's weird that it doesn't. With Android you turn change a setting to leave WiFi on all the time even if the screen is off, hopefully one gets added to WP by Microsoft.

The wireless issues is a big deal for me. I listen to streaming music pretty much all day and not being able to stay connected to a WiFi network means that I cannot do this. My iPhone and even other WP7 devices that I have used remain connected to WIFi even when the screen is off.
The wireless issues is a big deal for me. I listen to streaming music pretty much all day and not being able to stay connected to a WiFi network means that I cannot do this. My iPhone and even other WP7 devices that I have used remain connected to WIFi even when the screen is off.
My Focus Flash that I just returned for the Titan acted the same way. I don't see this as an issue for the Titan. They both disconnect from the Wi-Fi after a certain amount of time. This is not beyond normal...

UPDATE: I see what you guys are talking about. Seems like it has to connect every single time you wake it up....
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is there an app to keep the screen on?

What source are you streaming from? Maybe the App isnt programmed properly to keep the Wifi signal active.
I don't think this is really that different from the way most phones are. I believe my current WinMo phone will not stay connected with the screen off. I do agree though, the best thing would be a configurable option for this, so everyone could be happy.
My HTC Arrive running mango does not turn off wifi when screen goes off while streaming from zune and slacker. My Titan is supposed to be delivered today. I'll report back after I test it.

Edit: Got my Titan today and tested the wifi with slacker and zune. The wifi stays connected even after 10min with screen off. If i'm not streaming anything the wifi turns off after a few minutes. Slacker has an option to stream in the background and I had it turned on.
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