Titan Owners Poll

What Do You Think Of Your HTC Titan

  • Fantastic Screen

    Votes: 55 79.7%
  • Screen Is OK

    Votes: 10 14.5%
  • Screen Is Poor

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Preferred Amoled

    Votes: 4 5.8%

  • Total voters
I played Fusion:Sentient for about 30 minutes with SRS Audio & Video switched on today, and noticed NO video artifacts as described in the article from a day or so ago. Strange but odd.... I guess I'll have to keep playing until I see it??? Yeah!!! Me!!!
Amazing! I never noticed how.... black were my Focus' blacks until I just compared to my HTC Titan (AT&T rep remembered me from yesterday [primary reasons for return listed are the auto intensity, WiFi 5sec connect delay, Audio pop/hiss, charging lag 50% chance], waived the 35usd restocking fee and I got my Titan today :)).

Loving it! Now my family is a 100% HTC Family again :P

Welcome to the Titan club Jeremy! This phone has me the most pleased of any phone purchase in the last 5 years. I haven't had a single person I've shown it to say they weren't impressed with the device. Most people can't believe how thin it is.

Sent from my PI39100 using Board Express
I don't own one but I voted that the screen is OK.

The screen has the same pixel count as other WP7 devices so what you get is less clear / more pixelated images. Granted it's not a HUGE difference but you will notice sharper images on a smaller device.
My favorite thing to do with my Titan is walk up to one of my friends that are carrying a Galaxy S2 or an EVO 3D or any of the high end phones and say "That sure is a cute little phone" ;)
Okay, that is just really, really funny. My Wife is going to steal that, as she owns the Titan.
Okay guys,should I get It or not?
I really like It but I'm a little concerned with the bugs.
Is It just AT&T Titan's with dead pixels or the international models had dead pixels too?What about sound and the other issues?
Do You think should I wait for newer models to come out?
Okay guys,should I get It or not?
I really like It but I'm a little concerned with the bugs.
Is It just AT&T Titan's with dead pixels or the international models had dead pixels too?What about sound and the other issues?
Do You think should I wait for newer models to come out?
If you wait for newer models, you will always be waiting. There will always be newer models coming out.
Okay guys,should I get It or not?
I really like It but I'm a little concerned with the bugs.
Is It just AT&T Titan's with dead pixels or the international models had dead pixels too?What about sound and the other issues?
Do You think should I wait for newer models to come out?

I have no dead pixels or sound issues, and I have an AT&T branded Titan. What are the sound issues people are having?
Got my titan and love it. The screen is a lot better than I thought it would be. Its so big you don't have to be that close to it so you don't see the low res. Compared it to my brothers old HTC surround and the screen is a million times better. A friend of mine got the droid razer and this blows that screen out of the water. The colors aee more real than on the Samsung phones. Don't
I had the Focus S from launch day until Monday, when I returned it for the Titan deal at Best Buy. The only things I've noticed are the inferior black levels and lower saturation, but these aren't much of an issue at all for me. The screen size is impressive. Not for everyone I'm sure, but I love it.

Also, aside from the screen, I like some other aspects of the Titan over the Focus S (and every Windows Phone, basically), such as the indicator light, the metal body, the vibration, HTCs attentive phone settings, the panorama camera mode, and the capacitive buttons that are always on when the screen is on. It always bothered me that the buttons light up only after you touch them on the Samsung phones. What's the point in them lighting up after you've already hit them?
I am satisfied with my Titan, although I wouldn't mind if the Titan 2 had a 4.5 inch display, and was perhaps a tad thinner.
I am satisfied with my Titan, although I wouldn't mind if the Titan 2 had a 4.5 inch display, and was perhaps a tad thinner.
Yeah... 4.5 and thinner sounds like a pretty good Titan 2. I know some females in here may disagree :D
As long as it doesn't have the same design language the 4.5" HTC vivid has. I don't like it.

Sent from my PI39100 using Board Express

Edit, for some reason, BE opens up the edit screen in what seems like a native wp7 text editor, which has better KB response for me :(
Noooo not smaller!!! Thinner I like nut not smaller. A nice 5 inch display and thinner would be great
If my upgrade was sooner, I wouldn't hesitate in getting a Titan. Looks like I should be lined up for a Nokia 900 - a nice waiting present. :)
Hiss sound,music sound changes while using bing search,
I have not noticed any hiss sound. I returned the Focus S because of sound feedback issues. If they were present on my Titan I think I would have noticed. Can you be more specific about where and when this happens?

I have not encountered the Bing issue either but I usually do not interact with Bing while using my phone for music playback.

Sent from my PI39100 using Board Express

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