- No windows phones available?


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Dec 20, 2012
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My opinion is that Microsoft needs to offer a Surface phone. Skip carriers AND manufacturers, like Apple does, and Google with the Nexus line. Even if you get a carrier-free WP, you're still at the mercy of the manufacturer. However, that's not nearly as bad as having the carrier thrown in the mix yet. I've come to the place where I'll only use an iPhone or Nexus (as my primary phone). I'm not saying I'll keep doing that forever, but for now that's where I'm at. I still grab other phones to play with if I find a good deal, such as the 521.

From what I understand, the "Other" storage issue is a WP bug. Nokia has taken it upon themselves to address the issue in the 920, but really MS should be taking care of it.

For me, a surface phone right now is a mistake. WP8 has 2 dev devices out right now: 920/928 and 8X. MSFT needs to continue to pour resources into improving the Surface line and the OS itself. 2014 makes more sense, especially if the 2013 fall phones don't sell as expected.

I believe the HTC argument that the OS doesn't currently support the 1080p screens that they would like to use and some of the drivers they use for the camera in the One. Once that support is added, you will see a big screen HTC model. There is a market for that style WP8 phone (4.7"+).

If MSFT continues to mature the OS by adding apps and hardware chassis, a surface phone would be unnecessary. Nexus line doesn't account for a large % of Android sales. Apple doesn't count because they make 1 device, so hardware support is easier to manage.


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Oct 4, 2012
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Wow, I didn't realize all that was going on with the 810. I never had one so I don't pay much attention to the 810 threads. You and all other 810 users have my sympathies!

All I can say is that you must be a diehard WP fan to stick with it! Most people in your shoes would have probably tossed their WP off a cliff by now, or threw it at Jessica Alba. I've had only good experiences with WP, besides the shortcomings I knew about going in.

I just got a 521, and for the price I can highly recommend it.

Out of curiosity, does the 521 have that Storage Check feature that is available with the 1308 firmware? That's what 810 users have been wanting all this time because of the storage issue (I personally have just switched from an 810, which I got in November, to an unlocked 920).

Fiona M

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Jul 22, 2013
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Personally I found it difficult to adapt to the lesser quality of the 521's screen coming from the 810. I ended up feeling frustrated with the 521 (got it for the wifi calling) and gave up both models to get the 925 due to it's superior screen quality and wifi calling which was my main issue. So far so good with my 925 despite some overheating issues at first. I did really prefer thehefty body of the 810 over the sleek 925. I know most people prefer this sleeker phone body but it's just too slippery and delicate for me, I must use a cover on this thing the 810 was such a tank that I needed nothing at all to protect it, I really loved that about it.

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