Today is DDay or BB10 day

My opinion is firstly, congrats "Blackberry". Welcome to 2012.

However, secondly, it just looks like a bastardisation between Android and IOS. Im not sure why anyone would move from either of those platforms to BB10, and certainly not from WP8 to BB10. At least WP8 is trying to do something different. BB10 is just trying to do whats already been done in their own way to be different for difference sake.

Wish them luck though. The more competition and ideas the better, as long as they don't sue everyone :)
My opinion is firstly, congrats "Blackberry". Welcome to 2012.

However, secondly, it just looks like a bastardisation between Android and IOS. Im not sure why anyone would move from either of those platforms to BB10, and certainly not from WP8 to BB10. At least WP8 is trying to do something different. BB10 is just trying to do whats already been done in their own way to be different for difference sake.

Wish them luck though. The more competition and ideas the better, as long as they don't sue everyone :)

2013 my WP friend :)
Yeah, I take back what I said about how easy it is to port your Android App over to BB10. Sounds like it kinda sucks (They are using Gingerbread, which is 2.3, runtime.) That's not good.

Plus I'm wondering what that would do for battery life
Plus I'm wondering what that would do for battery life

Good point as well. It does probably put to bed things like Netflix and Instagram coming right away. No way they would simply port their app over using an Android 2.3 runtime.

I'm also leary about the Blackberry Hub... as we know with Windows Phone, if you're just using the 3rd party APIs to get Facebook updates you get all those stupid game requests and crap that you have filtered out of the website or native apps on Android or iOS. I can totally see my Blackberry Hub filled with crap stuff that I would probably remove that junk out of there.

The Verge review is pretty good and they do give the Z10 a 7.0. Not bad. Sounds like battery life is an issue, which current Blackberry users will not like... at all.
Good point as well. It does probably put to bed things like Netflix and Instagram coming right away. No way they would simply port their app over using an Android 2.3 runtime.

I'm also leary about the Blackberry Hub... as we know with Windows Phone, if you're just using the 3rd party APIs to get Facebook updates you get all those stupid game requests and crap that you have filtered out of the website or native apps on Android or iOS. I can totally see my Blackberry Hub filled with crap stuff that I would probably remove that junk out of there.

The Verge review is pretty good and they do give the Z10 a 7.0. Not bad. Sounds like battery life is an issue, which current Blackberry users will not like... at all.

But Tk, let's be honest, for a company that has a lot at stake with this phone coming out, do you think a 7 will do? 'just' a seven?
Some Canadian carriers do that.... 3 years is crazy.

All major Canadian carriers do 3 years. 2 years are offered but at a measly 150 dollars off the phone, 1 years might get 100 bucks off. The thing that pisses me off the most is Rogers can't even be courteous enough to provide a free jar of KY for the @** raping you get on your first bill.
I have to be honest, I was a little concerned about BB10 making a big splash but after today's launch the BB10 features really didn't impress me as much as I thought they would. Aside from the older demographic I don't see the younger generation rushing out to buy BB10 devices.
I have to be honest, I was a little concerned about BB10 making a big splash but after today's launch the BB10 features really didn't impress me as much as I thought they would. Aside from the older demographic I don't see the younger generation rushing out to buy BB10 devices.
The investors weren't impressed either because the stock is dropping like a rock. I do have a soft spot for BB since that was my first smartphone. Also, more competition is better for us consumers.
The investors weren't impressed either because the stock is dropping like a rock. I do have a soft spot for BB since that was my first smartphone. Also, more competition is better for us consumers.

Mmm, I noticed that. I often wonder who is nabbing bargains, while others predict the end.


I should have bought nok when it was pennies, and quadroupled, but ... the earlier statement won again
But Tk, let's be honest, for a company that has a lot at stake with this phone coming out, do you think a 7 will do? 'just' a seven?

Will a '7' do to win back over consumer peeps that have moved on to Android/iOS/WP? No I don't think it will, especially if 'poor battery life' gets big play. Plus the fact those reviews will fester here in the United States as there won't be any devices out until March. (If that rumor holds true.)

I think on the corporate side, it will be good enough to get some lost users back and easily get current BB7 and below users to convert. Originally all my corporate users started dumping BlackBerry for Android (we only use Verizon so originally there was not an iPhone choice) now they are sick of Android and they are leaving that and going iPhone. I do see a lot of my hardcore business users moving to BB10 if it gives them a superior email option. Actually probably moving to the keyboard version actually. Just my opinion.. time will tell and it looks like I have until mid March to get BES 10 up and running anyway.
I haven't read through this thread so sorry if this is being repeated.

I believe if bb10 edges WP8.. It's because of the carrier launch. Jesus. BlackBerry Is making sure their devices are available to everyone on all carriers.

This is what Nokia should have done.
I haven't read through this thread so sorry if this is being repeated.

I believe if bb10 edges WP8.. It's because of the carrier launch. Jesus. BlackBerry Is making sure their devices are available to everyone on all carriers.

This is what Nokia should have done.

This whole carrier thing is a big thing in America...though not as much in the rest of the world :>
I see nothing so far in this launch to either worry WP users or really give them comfort. BB10 still has CrackBerry Nation behind it, a strong identity, and some strong word of mouth. But, it also has to come up with something special to stop the bleeding and now has another 8-10 weeks of lost momentum.

In my opinion, WP will rise or fall based on it's own strengths, not the failure of BB or any other OS. If WP's next major update moves the OS ahead, MS continues to improve the app situation with a sense of urgency (which is every bit as important for Windows 8 as it is for WP8), and Nokia, HTC, and whatever OEM coalition of the willing MS lines up put out improving devices WP will continue to grow. From what @tk-093 states in his posts here, MS has a long way to go in enterprise as well. So there is HUGE growth they can compete for that they are not even begun to fight for.

BB10 looks like a good OS that may keep them in the game. I see no advantage to losing BlackBerry (no longer RIM-just BlackBerry now). They add an option.
This whole carrier thing is a big thing in America...though not as much in the rest of the world :>

Yeah, and it is a drag. There are a couple areas I wish we would follow along with the rest of the world. I wish we would go metric (so much stinking easier then our standard measuring system), and I wish we had your "one device, all carriers" model.
I just want instagram. Why can't I have instagram? The verge said they used instagram on bb10. Wtf . I hate Microsoft. They should have just given every dev of the top 100 apps 1million bucks to port over the apps.
This is a big day for BB ex-pats who have moved onto other platforms. The launch of 10 may draw them back, and they will get some of the curious having a try, but after that it will be business as usual and we two at the bottom will have to roll up our sleeves and be willing to get our hands dirty.
BB10 looks amazing. But since I just bought at 920 a few months ago, I'll probably stick with this for 2 years before I get a new phone. By then, I will probably be choosing between an awesome WP9 device, a 2nd generation Surface Phone, and an even more amazing BB11. After watching a bunch of BB10 videos I'm kind of angry/dissapointed that WP still has so many missing features and isn't as "cool". I really wished that WP8 would have had a bunch of cool gestures (like in BB 10) and picture password (as in Windows 8). I do have to note that BB10 is probably attracting me more because I'm a business student; especially with that cool ability to switch from "personal" to "work" mode, now that is way cool! Also, that swipe up from screen to turn on the screen is super cool too. The phone industry is just so exciting!!!

ETA: One more thing. I find it hilarious that Microsoft is trying to sell WP as a business phone yet it doesn't have VPN nor an ability to switch between a personal and work mode (which I'm still infactuated about). I know most people don't need that, but as a business student I really want those features and I'm sure that is holding a lot of business people back.

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