Today is DDay or BB10 day

It's funny how users of a platform that has let's say 3% of the mobile marketshare can say "Nah, nothing to see here" about Blackberry. Let's be honest here, and this is coming from a Windows Phone fanatic, we have something to worry about here. At least Blackberry seems to be putting some serious effort into their platform. They came out pretty strong with this new OS and the UI is different enough to raise some eyebrows. No one, NO ONE, is going to say "Nope, I am not getting a Blackberry because Windows Phone has such phenomenal games and Office!" The ONLY thing WP has is the user interface...that's it in my opinion - and I do love it. However, Microsoft could learn a thing or two if you ask me. This WP has been an absolute f'n disaster and if it wasn't for Nokia, the Windows Phone platform would be dead.

Again, I don't mean to sound all doom and gloom but lets not overlook a new venture by fooling ourselves into thinking "we've got this".
It's funny how users of a platform that has let's say 3% of the mobile marketshare can say "Nah, nothing to see here" about Blackberry. Let's be honest here, and this is coming from a Windows Phone fanatic, we have something to worry about here. At least Blackberry seems to be putting some serious effort into their platform. They came out pretty strong with this new OS and the UI is different enough to raise some eyebrows. No one, NO ONE, is going to say "Nope, I am not getting a Blackberry because Windows Phone has such phenomenal games and Office!" The ONLY thing WP has is the user interface...that's it in my opinion - and I do love it. However, Microsoft could learn a thing or two if you ask me. This WP has been an absolute f'n disaster and if it wasn't for Nokia, the Windows Phone platform would be dead.

Again, I don't mean to sound all doom and gloom but lets not overlook a new venture by fooling ourselves into thinking "we've got this".

I agree. My previous post is right above your's. And since that post, I think I think there's a strong possibility I'm going to try out BB10 with the Z10 even though I just bought my 920 a few months ago. Sigh, I'm killing my wallet lol. But BB10 just seems so complete and mature and very fitting for a business person like myself.

Although I think I'll let myself sleep over this before I make this big decision since I do easily get infactuated by cool tech and sometimes regret buying things impusively. Anyways, I just wanted to point out a few things I really like in BB10 from a WP user's perspective:
- notification light
- gestures (simply very cool)
- personal and works modes
- being able to "peek" at notifications simultaneously while in an app/game
- developer support (it has has dropbox already!! what?? and WP doesnt??)
- fluidity; from watching BB10 videos on youtube so far, I've seen zero lag; that cannot be said about the Ubuntu phone, which I also got a little excited over
- it's "cool"; (I have the 920, and I think the phone itself i.e. the hardware, is cool, but WP, the software, just isn't "cool")

And a few things I don't like so much about the BB10, particularly the Z10 model (since that's the only model I would consider buying):
- 4.2" isn't large enough. I want 4.5"- 5".
- design is ok only
- I kind of want curved glass that's on the 920, but not sure if that's patented by nokia or something. I think all phones that use gestures should have curved glass at the edges
- buttons and ports seem to be positioned all over the place
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I just want instagram. Why can't I have instagram? The verge said they used instagram on bb10. Wtf . I hate Microsoft. They should have just given every dev of the top 100 apps 1million bucks to port over the apps.

For those that missed it, CEO of BB has already stated that Instagram IS coming to BB10, they're just late to the party.

As for the stock market comments,
The stock drop wasn't entirely unanticipated. Lots of investors cashing in from recent gains. Day-to-day volatility isn't an indicator of overall company health. Market cap still way closer to book value than it was 6 months ago
For those that missed it, CEO of BB has already stated that Instagram IS coming to BB10, they're just late to the party.

As for the stock market comments,
He didn't say instagram was coming, he said they were in talks with instagram. And theverge didnt play with native instagram app, they looked at android version running, because apparently you can convert android apps to run on bb10.
Really though, this thing is archaic in terms of usability. Aside from the screen tech it brings little of interest except android without the ecosystem. The device itself looks about as interesting as the OG Droid and my original Samsung blackjack from 2007 takes higher quality photos. I won't lie, I was scared of what they had to offer when I saw early renders but today, I kicked back and laughed at the presentation. Let's see if a name can sell a phone (sadly, we know it can) because the name is pretty much the only plus.

Wait what are these apps that it has that WP is missing? I'll wait while you gather your thoughts
And Blackberry is giving the same quote MS gave about Instagram, so no there's no instagram.
It's funny how users of a platform that has let's say 3% of the mobile marketshare can say "Nah, nothing to see here" about Blackberry. Let's be honest here, and this is coming from a Windows Phone fanatic, we have something to worry about here. At least Blackberry seems to be putting some serious effort into their platform. They came out pretty strong with this new OS and the UI is different enough to raise some eyebrows. No one, NO ONE, is going to say "Nope, I am not getting a Blackberry because Windows Phone has such phenomenal games and Office!" The ONLY thing WP has is the user interface...that's it in my opinion - and I do love it. However, Microsoft could learn a thing or two if you ask me. This WP has been an absolute f'n disaster and if it wasn't for Nokia, the Windows Phone platform would be dead.

Again, I don't mean to sound all doom and gloom but lets not overlook a new venture by fooling ourselves into thinking "we've got this".

And it's funny how someone could even dream of uttering Microsoft learning anything from a company that pushed a release date back a year with no huge wow factors or leading apps and stumbled all throughout a major press conference.

This is the BIGGEST I've heard of people talking about Windows Phone. More and more I see facebook statuses with an origin from Windows Phone along with statuses that talk about how they like their windows phones. I see commercials every other day for the Surface or for a WP8. I think you are overexaggerating a wee bit
This is the BIGGEST I've heard of people talking about Windows Phone. More and more I see facebook statuses with an origin from Windows Phone along with statuses that talk about how they like their windows phones
Fact: BB was one of the most talked about brands on Facebook
Here's the rankings:
# | Name | People Talking About
1 Blackberry 9,686,063
2 Trident 1,011,724
3 Grammarly 872,413
4 Wexley School for Girls 285,447
5 iPhone 269,169
6 FΔSHION 423,908
7 Mozilla Firefox 289,049
8 Kit Kat 864,994
9 Hunter Safety System 169,816
10 The Conservative Newsfeed 170,628

Do you see WP8 there anywhere?


Fact: BB has been trending on Twitter in the top 10 pretty much all of this month.

Fact: Your own WP8 website's "Trending Now" list contain 3 Blackberry topics at this very moment. On a WP8 website.
Fact: BB was one of the most talked about brands on Facebook
Here's the rankings:
# | Name | People Talking About
1 Blackberry 9,686,063
2 Trident 1,011,724
3 Grammarly 872,413
4 Wexley School for Girls 285,447
5 iPhone 269,169
6 FΔSHION 423,908
7 Mozilla Firefox 289,049
8 Kit Kat 864,994
9 Hunter Safety System 169,816
10 The Conservative Newsfeed 170,628

Do you see WP8 there anywhere?


Fact: BB has been trending on Twitter in the top 10 pretty much all of this month.

Fact: Your own WP8 website's "Trending Now" list contain 3 Blackberry topics at this very moment. On a WP8 website.

Reality of now.... looks like bb has mind share to me...

Of course it'd be trending less than 24hrs of the announcement. If it didn't, you'd have bigger problems than trolling this forum.

And why are you even mentioning wp8 not trending when my mention of it was merely stating it has more awareness now compared to its initial release? Nobody expected it to be trending months from now. But I understand grasping at straws seems to be your argument so you can have that, I guess.
The day of its release and it's trending? Wow, colour me shocked.

Not the best article, but I believe it said bb has been trending this week, not yesterday alone.

The coolest part is that with bb and wp fighting for third, we will see some real innovation along the way... trickle up is the right expression ?
I haven't read through this thread so sorry if this is being repeated.

I believe if bb10 edges WP8.. It's because of the carrier launch. Jesus. BlackBerry Is making sure their devices are available to everyone on all carriers.

This is what Nokia should have done.

Why single out Nokia? There are other WP oems, you know, like Samsung and HTC...

Nokia (and HTC) did launch on all carriers in the U.S., except Sprint - but Sprint didn't want ANY WP8 devices when WP8 launched. At the end of the day, an OEM CANNOT force or mandate any carrier to carry their device; the carrier has to want to carry it.
Fact: BB was one of the most talked about brands on Facebook
Here's the rankings:
# | Name | People Talking About
1 Blackberry 9,686,063
2 Trident 1,011,724
3 Grammarly 872,413
4 Wexley School for Girls 285,447
5 iPhone 269,169
6 FΔSHION 423,908
7 Mozilla Firefox 289,049
8 Kit Kat 864,994
9 Hunter Safety System 169,816
10 The Conservative Newsfeed 170,628

Do you see WP8 there anywhere?


Fact: BB has been trending on Twitter in the top 10 pretty much all of this month.

Fact: Your own WP8 website's "Trending Now" list contain 3 Blackberry topics at this very moment. On a WP8 website.
Yup, people were talking about it on launch day... What that doesn't show you is what they were saying, and if it was positive or negative. Just my own anecdotal survey suggests the feedback has not been overly positive.
Yup, people were talking about it on launch day... What that doesn't show you is what they were saying, and if it was positive or negative. Just my own anecdotal survey suggests the feedback has not been overly positive.
I'll take the survey you ran with your friends and raise you one photo

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