
Today they build a bus shelter at my work. It appears to be pointless to me but I guess it may be useful in the rain and colder weather.
Today I got acquainted with some of my new classmates.

Also today, a lecturer of mine was trying to log in to the PC but it was not responding. He proceeded to mash the keyboard in disgust. I think I was the only on who found it funny.

Oh and one more thing today, I saw the Lumia 1020 advertised on the cover of the free Metro newspaper. Unfortunately I'm not sure if anyone paid any attention to it.
Today my work finally found a way to test the fire alarm without blowing our ear drums at 8am in the morning.
Today (actually yesterday), there was a blackberry booth/stall at the university I go to. I was half-tempted to check it out but WP8/Lumia 920 is all powerful and there was nothing they could have said to convince me otherwise ;) On the other hand, if Microsoft/Nokia was there..


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