
Today I found out that the building we are trying to lease out for my MicroBrewery is still available. The deal with the other party apparently fell through. Exciting news but in reality, it is just the beginning

Nice:-) And of course, Good luck...where is it so that I can visit it on one of my trips for work?:-)
Today I help serve people doing cabinets for a building then I ate a tri-tip sandwich then pizza :3

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Today I've reached a milestone in my weight-losing. Took me since November to drop from 93.5 to 84 kilos (206.1 - 185.18 pounds). Woot-wooot!
You underestimated the power of Nokia and used a cover for it. In other words you hurt its ego that's why it broke. :winktongue:

Actually I put on the cover after the screen shattered. The ONE day I removed the cover and this happened. Thinking if I should shell out 8k for repairs :sweaty:
Today I saw a lady with a bright yellow Lumia 1320. Felt good that the phone was attracting a bigger crowd than the lady holding it. :winktongue:
Today it's finally a Frisbee training after a 3 week break - let's see how the ankle will handle it..
Today is not as good as tomorrow but I won't be able to post on here tomorrow so, yay today!

Tomorrow I'm going to Marrakesh! :D

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