Todays XBox 360 Dashboard Update Release Schedule

I must say, as excited as I was about the companion app, i am a little disappointed. Not much, just a little. Maybe I need to use it a bit more.

It is just alright. I really wanted two things: Netflix inclusion and being able to use it to type in text fields on the XBox.

I got one out of two. I still have to search for content on the phone like I would for using Zune, but when I finally make a choice, it lets me know if I can watch it on Netflix. However, I've already found a title that didn't show up in the app as being available on Netflix.

It really does feel like a remote. I think it goes very well with the media settings of the new XBox set-up. My Zune app is completely broken (it will download, but won't install), so I can't try my Zune Pass, yet. :(
It is just alright. I really wanted two things: Netflix inclusion and being able to use it to type in text fields on the XBox.

I got one out of two. I still have to search for content on the phone like I would for using Zune, but when I finally make a choice, it lets me know if I can watch it on Netflix. However, I've already found a title that didn't show up in the app as being available on Netflix.

It really does feel like a remote. I think it goes very well with the media settings of the new XBox set-up. My Zune app is completely broken (it will download, but won't install), so I can't try my Zune Pass, yet. :(

Ooh. I didn't even think of that. Would be nice to use the WP keyboard in the XBOX.
It is just alright. I really wanted two things: Netflix inclusion and being able to use it to type in text fields on the XBox.

Just curious, what would you use it to type? If you want to send a msg to a friend, why bring the Xbox into the equation at all? Same for redeeming codes...and I can't think of anything else I'd type in, haha.

That said I do wish the app linked to the native features of your gamer list so you could send msgs from "inside" the app instead of having to go back to start then going to games.

Perfect world...the phone would act just like the Guide button on my Xbox. So I could screw around with everything that menu can do without interrupting the Xbox.

Try deleting the zune app from your hard drive and re downloading it, that seems to work

If only I had read that somewhere the previous page, haha. This thread did get a little wordy/hidden though.
Just curious, what would you use it to type? If you want to send a msg to a friend, why bring the Xbox into the equation at all? Same for redeeming codes...and I can't think of anything else I'd type in, haha.

well, there are a couple places I cn think of to type: searching Netflix titles and entering new profile data for new users.
The new dashboard is growing on me. I really do like the new Netflix.

The companion app is too sparse. There needs to be just as many controls as a controller.

I also want the ability to use my voice for searching from the app. And I want to be able to launch XBOX apps through voice commands to the phone.

It's my guess that this XBOX Companion app is just the beginning. And that better functionality will be rolled out in time.
The new dashboard is growing on me. I really do like the new Netflix.

The companion app is too sparse. There needs to be just as many controls as a controller.

I also want the ability to use my voice for searching from the app. And I want to be able to launch XBOX apps through voice commands to the phone.

It's my guess that this XBOX Companion app is just the beginning. And that better functionality will be rolled out in time.

I agree. I want to be able to use the app as a mic. It's a bit ridiculous at times when I have to yell commands over high volume when I'm watching a movie or playing games.
Did it work though?

The one guy said it did...I lazy to look, haha

well, there are a couple places I cn think of to type: searching Netflix titles and entering new profile data for new users.

But, you can search Netflix and enter Profile Data on your phone, again, no need to include the Xbox in it! So, it wouldn't be needed as a wireless keyboard, because they made it so 99% of the things you would ever want to enter can just be entered on the phone.

The new Online Passes from EA games, they are a special code (16 digits?) and have to be entered on the console....that is the 1%, haha

That seems to be a popular wish, but MS wants you to buy a Kinect.

I was thinking the same thing! They want you to get a Kinect to use your voice...I wonder if they make close to $100 for each WP7 they sell...? I wonder which product gets MS more revenue.

Got in Drand Rapids MI

Is that North or South of Grand Rapids?
When I actually went into my storage device I had a file in my zune folder that said Corrupt. So i deleted it, now working
That seems to be a popular wish, but MS wants you to buy a Kinect.

I meant it to augment the Kinect, not replace it. The Kinect can't hear you at times when the volume is a little high when watching a movie or playing games. If the phone was right next to you on the sofa, then you wouldn't have to yell or repeat yourself as often. Besides, you still need the Kinect for gestures.
That seems to be a popular wish, but MS wants you to buy a Kinect.

I have Kinect. But if I'm going to have ny phone, it would be nice to just be able to do it without having to speak loudly.

And I also have a remote control that came with my Xbox. Yet, the mimicked part of that functionality with the companion app.

Right now the companion app his seems like a neat tech demo.
I had been suffering a problem with the Zune apps and Sky apps in that they would not start from every location with Sky for example only working if started from the quickplay. The symptons when I did click on Zune music for example it would attempt to download the app finish then bug out.

I finally found the solution and for what it is worth this problem affected all 3 consoles that I logged onto using the roaming profile so this may be a clue.

I decided I would delete the Zune app so went to storage as you do and found under the app itself an area described as corrupted. I deleted this and hey presto it now works. Did the same for the Sky app and it too now works. This issue was also the same on the other two, weird but at least it now works properly.

Still loving the update though :)
Augmented Kinect

That seems to be a popular wish, but MS wants you to buy a Kinect.

But do they? Or would they be happy with a WP purchase? I would suggest they would benefit both ways. I have Kinect but would love to be able to augment this via my phone if only for the fact that I have 3 xboxes and with the best will in the world Microsoft are dreaming if they think I will buy another 2 Kinect boxes for voice functionality.

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