Took the plunge!


New member
Dec 9, 2010
Well I have been waiting the last few months for the HTC HD7S to come out so I could decide between that and the Samsung Focus before I made a decision. I just left the AT&T store today after having checked them both out and have to say that the Focus is the better built of the 2 devices. The loose fitting battery cover and the smaller battery is what really turned me off. So I am officially on the Windows Phone platform as soon as I get my phones, either tomorrow or Saturday.
Welcome! You will enjoy it. What phone did u have before the leap.

Sent from my Samsung Focus using Board Express
I am currently on the Samsung Captivate. The only redeeming feature of the Captivate is the ability to flash a bunch of different roms so I can make it work right. lol
Haha. I currently have a captivate too. It was useable and flash browsing was good. But WP7 is 5 times better. You will enjoy it very much.

Sent from my Samsung Focus using Board Express
THANK GOD!!!! Both phones I recieved are revision 1.3...phew dodged a bullet on that one
THANK GOD!!!! Both phones I recieved are revision 1.3...phew dodged a bullet on that one
No kidding. Mom got a Focus a few weeks back and we're taking it back tomorrow for a 1.3 revision device. It's hard to find one around here.

And don't crap on the Captivate - I've got one too. :) And it's pretty similar to the Focus in terms of hardware. I just don't like using that functional but totally ghetto OS.

Sent from my SGH-i917 using Board Express
I wasn't crapping on the Captivate. Focus is much better.

Sent from my SGH-i917 using Board Express
Craptivate! haha.

I never liked the Captivate. Picked the Nexus One over it. I didn't like the fact that their was no flash on the camera. Although I don't take many pictures, when I do, I like the flash being an option. The Sprint and Verizon versions came with flash if I remember correctly.

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