Touch screen freeze/unresponsive LUMIA 920

I can now confirmed it is software related. After writing my last post, I decided to register my phone as a developer and install preview for developers.

I then updated my phone to the latest firmware and the freezing problem is gone!!!
Hi would you be able to tell me what process/link you used to change the firmware? iv tried installing old firmware on my lumia RM-821, iv downloaded the firmware files but when i try to install it using nokia care suite, the software does not find the update files i just downloaded (names have been shortened as said in the forums).
Jojapath, so before you installed PfD your touchscreen was working just enough for you to install it? cause mine touch screen is fully unresponsive so i don't know how you can install PfD. would you be able to help?

I got the same problem last night. Tried to do a soft reset, then a hard reset, then many soft resets. then many hard resets. Even tried the holding down power and tapping the screen as suggested above. Nothing has worked. I guess my love-affair with windows phones are over.
i have same problem, which are resolved by installing firmware of different region rather than suggested by nokia
after installation of different region firmware do not upgrade your phone OTA

in need more help let me know

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