Touch Screen Too Sensitive?

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that newly released products often take a couple months to receive their initial updates that fix issues found after release

While what you're saying is true, I am wondering when it became okay to release products in a pre-beta state to paying customers. I.e. when did people start accepting this? If I buy a new car only to find major issues with it I will take it back again and again until fully fixed, if they don't manage within three attempts I'll take my money and buy a different make and model. Similarity, if I buy a new oven to find it constantly burns my food there is no way in hell I'd live with that.

And NO, we should not accept the fact that the phone we just paid several hundred bucks for is not working properly. I did that with my 920, and had it not been for the fact WP is synonymous with Lumia I'd have picked a different make this time.
While what you're saying is true, I am wondering when it became okay to release products in a pre-beta state to paying customers. I.e. when did people start accepting this? If I buy a new car only to find major issues with it I will take it back again and again until fully fixed, if they don't manage within three attempts I'll take my money and buy a different make and model. Similarity, if I buy a new oven to find it constantly burns my food there is no way in hell I'd live with that.

And NO, we should not accept the fact that the phone we just paid several hundred bucks for is not working properly. I did that with my 920, and had it not been for the fact WP is synonymous with Lumia I'd have picked a different make this time.

Reading comprehension lessons might be a key thing to invest in as well it seems.

You'll note that I didn't say that anyone should accept that their phone isn't working properly. I'm saying that threatening to abandon a platform after you buy a brand new product that has had 0 updates is ridiculous.

I have no issues with holding manufacturers accountable as I do the same thing myself. The problem is that if you abandon a manufacturer after you are an early adopter of a new product (a phone released with a version of the OS not yet released for any other products, with a new manufacturer specific update not yet released for any other products, and a new set of capabilities not yet released for any of their other products) then you're bound to experience some issues.

The big problem with your comparisons is that you're comparing cars and ovens to smartphones.

That's like comparing apples to giraffes and rhinos to daisies.

Taking something back 3 times and replacing it only works if the fault is with the physical item itself...not if it's an issue with software that can be fixed with an update.

So I urge this concept...think before posting...and well honestly before doing anything. I would say the biggest problem these days is a lack of impulse control on both the part of buyers and manufacturers.

I see more buyers remorse these days because of a lack of forethought and common sense than nearly anything else.
Looks like I got happy for no reason. The problem still exists in the store amongst other apps like collector. I just can't scroll up or down without tapping something for me. I wish I can throw this thing into the wall
Looks like I got happy for no reason. The problem still exists in the store amongst other apps like collector. I just can't scroll up or down without tapping something for me. I wish I can throw this thing into the wall

You can, but it would be colossally stupid to do so.
Glad I caught your eye with my post.

Yes I would abandon a company, having spent good money, got a phone that has a worldwide issue, waited months for a fix, no coms off Nokia for ages, told a fix due, a missed eta on said fix.......and not even a quick word once the date passed to inform the owners...or even say sorry.

Yep thats enough there to turn me away, and you might be glad :-)
Just got a reply from @nokiacare twitter account " We still don't have any information yet about this. We'd be grateful for your continued patience. ^AD"
Just got a reply from @nokiacare twitter account " We still don't have any information yet about this. We'd be grateful for your continued patience. ^AD"

Yeah the twitter guys try to help but their info is more generic really, should they say the wrong thing it will cause issues (making remarks about when things are getting fixed)

Only place I have seen true Nokia info was the Nokia support page.....though thats not panned out so well at this time.
Yeah the twitter guys try to help but their info is more generic really, ....

I think this is more of a placating exercise rather than them being cautious.

Unfortunately it seems that the only way a corporation will sit up and take notice is when the returns start piling up and in this case it doesn't seem to have happened as most owners either don't have it so bad or don't think it is a deal breaker.

I myself took evasive action early fearing it is a hardware issue and fretting at the possibility of my device being a dud.

If it is indeed software I personally can't wait, HK models are going for circa ?400 on Amazon UK and I am tempted every single day...
most owners either don't have it so bad or don't think it is a deal breaker
The only reason I haven't returned mine is because there is no alternative at the moment. If one wants to stay with WP there are no similar specced devices available right now and going back to a much smaller screen just isn't an option anymore :|
...going back to a much smaller screen just isn't an option anymore :|

True, going back to my trusted 920 was a bit of a shock to the system, however not needing to hit back constantly when trying to swipe at the home screen or correct every other word when sending a message quickly compensated me. It also reminded me what an amazing device this 920 is (took 2 returns and an email to Elop to get it right but hey ho).

Nokia really need to come up with something quick, when the tap/swipe issue is bad, it is really bad, certain deal breaker.
The problem is, I'd say, that Nokia doesn't give a rat's *** about their handsets anymore. They just sold the whole handset business to Microsoft - let them deal with it. And Microsoft will probably say "hey, we don't support old Nokia-branded hardware"
Its gone on way too long for it to just be software, as others said its hardware and needs Nokia to find a workaround.

If this was just software a patch would have been out a week or two after the phone, I mean many customers not happy, costing company money and bad press......I am sure any firm would want to save face+money, and get a simple patch out.

Maybe they will sort it, but the issue has gone on way too long and very little to no coms from Nokia, and its looking like we might get a update just as they start telling us what to expect with the next model due out later this year.

The phone itself has many good points, and it does have the wow factor, but the poor QC and testing (the horrible low light videos, how did that get the thumbs up for the tech guys as cutting edge) also the poor support/coms have really disheartened me.

If the update fixes it and more, many will say thank you to Nokia, and yes the phone will be even better, but when it comes to buying a new phone, how many will think twice after this farce.
I love people talking about software development, QC processes, and how divisions being sold work, all without the benefit of knowledge of such matters.

Uninformed rants always help users find solutions right?

No...just no. This thread has honestly outlived its usefulness if no one is seeking help and just seeking to complain. :(
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