Touch Screen Too Sensitive?

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There is no released update as of yet.

MarcinKe. Please explain what you're referring to.

I'll stash my 1520 back in the drawer and resume using my HTC 8x instead. oh well :(
not to burst anyones bubble but expecting nokia to deliver a update that fixes an issue they dont care about... thats like expecting it to snow on the moon.
they will do it on their schedule. they could give a rats *** about a few forum users having issues.
I wouldn't say a few. There are lots of people with the problem. However, I agree with you that Nokia does not really care. If they did, they would have done something about it by now.
Mark, I do not think they gonna release anything soon, if at all. I am considering returning my Nokia and getting another one but since a lot of them seem to have a problem and mine is not that bad I might just live with it. Looks like my last Nokia phone. Not because it is so annoying but because Nokia has been ignoring us for such a long time.

Have had lots of Nokias and always tried to support them. But that's it. No more.
I think it's a premature to dump the phone now, just because Nokia did not solve the issue completely. Nokia has proven themselves dedicated to WP. All those Nokia extras in the phone; don't they tell you something? I think more confidence, more patience, should be given.

Of course, if the issue is so terrible that it renders the phone unusable, sure, go dump it. But I don't think that is the case for the touch screen issue.
It is very random. It is great at times and then I can have to swipes in a row recognized as taps. Is the phone usable? Yes, it is. Am I a bit disappointed? Yes, I am. If I knew it was the case I would wait a bit as my 920 is still working fine.
The problem is not a small one. It is not only a swipe or tap problem. Many of us cannot type properly because the phone is registering multiple key presses when tapping a key. When the phone is not behaving almost every word need to be corrected. If you use the chinese stroke input the problem renders itt useless. If you use a pin to unlock your phone, it is almost certain you have to do it a few times. And i have avoided using the phone to logon to my bank for fear of typing in the password 3 times. So you see it is a serious problem.
I decided to keep my phone because of it - I mean I am afraid I might end up with something with more problems. As of now, typing is no problem on my device, so I am going to keep it. I have a problem with waking a phone up and swipe/tap. Other than that it is very good, no complaints.

Well, hopefully an update will be available soon.
So it will not happen, as promised, by the end of January. I would understand no update, but keeping quiet all this time is not what customer service should be like. Too bad, Nokia :(
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Another poster (in another post) suggested to turn auto-brightness off and choose medium setting. He claims it works. I am testing it now. Will let you know tomorrow if it works :)
Another poster (in another post) suggested to turn auto-brightness off and choose medium setting. He claims it works. I am testing it now. Will let you know tomorrow if it works :)

so far works for me :). I'm happy now... Almost :)
Shared this on couple other forums. Apparently this workaround doesn't help everybody however still good for me
At least it works for me. But now I have to switch from medium to low everything myself as medium is too bright in the evening hours. Auto brightness is very useful if it works. I hope Nokia will fix this issue very soon.
At least it works for me. But now I have to switch from medium to low everything myself as medium is too bright in the evening hours. Auto brightness is very useful if it works. I hope Nokia will fix this issue very soon.

Dont worry fix is out tomorrow..........but if its not, be happy in knowing that Nokia did not lie just to you....they lied to us all.
Dont worry fix is out tomorrow..........but if its not, be happy in knowing that Nokia did not lie just to you....they lied to us all.

Out tomorrow? Is it official or just speculation? I don't think anything is coming. Not tomorrow, not anytime soon :(
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