Touch Screen Too Sensitive?

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It gets really annoying on some of the website. I hope software can fix it. If not, then I will be very disappointed as I love the phone otherwise. Nothing we can do bit wait. Only wonder how long. Surprised that except one pr two comments from Nokia there is no more info regarding this issue. They are really letting us down :(
Looks like pressing a bit harder helps. However, I am now facing another problem. My screen sometimes does not scroll at all. Maybe 1/2 times a day, but still very frustrating. Where is the fix?!
Looks like pressing a bit harder helps. However, I am now facing another problem. My screen sometimes does not scroll at all. Maybe 1/2 times a day, but still very frustrating. Where is the fix?!

Yeah I get this, screen does not scroll, need to lift finger and press again for it to work.
You still think it's software?

If this update does not work then its 100% hardware.

Its a worldwide update, so we should all get the same outcome, if it works for some but not others then its a hardware issue thats worse with some phones than others.

The update is a longtime coming, this either means.
1/ its more than a screen fix so its taken longer.
2/just a screen fix....and they have been very slow in sorting it.
3/its a hardware issue and they are trying to find a way to update the software that corrects it for those who have it bad, but also not screw with the screen for those who dont have the issue.

Only time will tell....but if they dont sort it (and other issues) it will be last Nokia I get.......which is a shame.
Try to disable "double tap for wake up phone" (under settings - touch) - it made a touch of my cp better, even I have high sensitivity ....
Touch is too sensitive to the point I operated my Nokia Lumia without touching the screen. But rarely happens.
Well, if is the hardware I will be sending mine for a repair, then. The only hope is in the software that is supposed to be rolled out soon.
Strangely enough, no review mentioned this problem.
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Well, it is a hardware I will be sending mine for a repair, then. The only hope is in the software that is supposed to be rolled out soon.
Strangely enough, no review mentioned this problem.

I remember seeing one review where as the woman touched the screen it did it, and WPC had a bit in the news saying something like "updates fixes touch screen problem" the first few lines went on to say one of the things they did not like was this issue, it bugged them and they were happy a fix was on way.

It also comes down to how much time they spend with it, they have many phones and a busy life, I would think a review phone would either need to be used lots or for the issue to happen and they notice it enough.

Reviewers not seeing it sooner is a shame as the news would be all over the media not just forums, the bad press would have made Nokia act much faster, like it did with Samsung when the SGS4 showed grey smears, no word, no "oh sorry" but when it got on review sites and media news.......3 2 1 fix.
Wonder if the new firmware update they are rolling out today is supposed to fix it. Hope someone will let us know soon.
Not sure if US first and then the rest of the world or just the US :(

It looks like this FW: 1028.3534.1347.2001 fixes the problem.

Does anyone have the above FW and is still experiencing problems?

I did a bing search for
its December 9th 2013 firmware for specific usa carriers

This is NOT what you are all waiting for its old

Move along nothing to see here
PS search returns download sites for this DONT even think about it
PPS nokia you making people try to fix stuff themselves now ./slap
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