Treo to Touch?


New member
Dec 12, 2006
Hi everyone,

I'm thinking of switching from my Treo 680 to a Touch. I prefer the sleeker form factor, wifi (great for international traveling), and I'm thinking that it's time I get to know Windows Mobile since I'm not convinced Palm will be putting out anything noteworthy for quite some time (if ever again, alas!).

Most of the apps I rely most heavily upon (Agendus, Splash ID, etc) come in WM flavors, so I'll still be able to use them. However, I'm most concerned about losing an external QWERTY keyboard. I don't do a lot of data entry on my phone--occasional email, a few sms here and there--but I've become accustomed to using hotkeys quite a bit, and I like the one-handed operation the Treo keyboard affords.

Has anyone here made the switch from a Treo to a Touch? Any insights to share?
I believe that is going to be a switch that eveyone is just going to have to try out for themselves, IMO. It's a personal preference thing.
I believe that is going to be a switch that eveyone is just going to have to try out for themselves, IMO. It's a personal preference thing.

I suppose that's true. I posed the same question to the folks over at Howard Forums and received a few helpful replies. One important thing to do, it seems, is to find a better onscreen keyboard than the one that comes with the Touch. Evidently, this helps with data entry quite a bit.
Sorry if I was not has helpful as the folks at HoFo....but I have done the same thing you are doing and found out at the end of the day that it did not matter what the folks on the foums thought, it was what I thought.

Good luck
Sorry if I was not has helpful as the folks at HoFo....but I have done the same thing you are doing and found out at the end of the day that it did not matter what the folks on the foums thought, it was what I thought.

Good luck

I certainly didn't mean to imply that you weren't helpful. I very much appreciate the input! And you're right: this sort of thing very much boils down to personal preference (and thumb size). :)

I intend to order a Touch very soon, so I'll have some firsthand experience in a short time. I'll report back...
Yeah, you'll DEFINITELY want to get a better onscreen keyboard. I've been pretty happy with TouchPal myself.
I prefer the sleeker form factor, wifi (great for international traveling), and I'm thinking that...

Are you talking about the GSM, AT&T/T-Mobile one? Because if the touch for Sprint/Verizon is what you're considering, it has no wifi. Just be sure you know what you're buying 100% ;)
Yeah, you'll DEFINITELY want to get a better onscreen keyboard. I've been pretty happy with TouchPal myself.

I just switched from my Treo700WX on Sprint to the Touch and loaded the new 6.1 Rom update.

The new full size leyboard in the rom is better than the origanals, I can type about 3/4 speed that I could on the Treo hard keys.

With all the complaints of the new Treo800w call quality, I am glad I saved the $150 bucks and got the Touch. Call quality so far has been great on just the phone and using my BlueAnt Z9 BT headset.

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