Trying to like the TP2


New member
Feb 8, 2010
I've had the tp2 for about 2 weeks on Verizon. I've upgraded to 6.5. It's probably more phone than I need , but I like gadgets. I've learned some tricks on scrolling but I still am having trouble in that as I scroll I accidentally select an item. It happens mostly in contacts and on the phone page in call history if the phone pad is displayed. I'm for ever calling people when I'm just trying to scroll to find a contact or a previously called or received number. I've gotten better on the programs pages by scrolling diagonally across the screen. When I try this on the contacts or missed calls or..... pages I often select one incorrectly. Are there any tricks to fix this. If I can't get better I'm going to have to pass on the phone. I'd rather keep it.
Thanks Jeff
Part of your issue is lack of practice and part of is it the resistive touch screen. Try flicking it with your finger nail or dragging up or down the screen. Don't roll your finger as it will register as a touch. The resistive screen is much more precise and is pressure sensitive.
Thanks for your response
I've been trying lots of dif techniques. With dif degrees of success.
I work in construction so my hands and fingers are like clubs.
Do you think it's mostly operator error
I've been reading allot of posts about modding the phone on this site and ppcgeeks.
It seems like there are some improvements that can be achieved with these changes.
I'm not sure I'm savvy enough to start messing that deeply into the workings of the OS.
I don't want to end up with a brick
I see that the droid uses a captive touch screen. Is that type more forgiving?
That's a big no on the cap active it is actually more sensitive so if you just barely touch the screen it will register I hated this on my Palm Pre.

Here is a trick you can try go to settings/system/screen you will see align screen chose it then when you are aligning the screen press a little harder (not too hard) on the crosses as you do this it adjusts the pressure sensitivity of the screen. This might help make the screen a little less sensitive so when you first touch the screen it wont register as a tap. This can also be done as a registry edit if you want to fine tune things a little more. Let me know if you want to try it and I will see if I can find the correct file path.

Thanks for your response
I've been trying lots of dif techniques. With dif degrees of success.
I work in construction so my hands and fingers are like clubs.
Do you think it's mostly operator error
I've been reading allot of posts about modding the phone on this site and ppcgeeks.
It seems like there are some improvements that can be achieved with these changes.
I'm not sure I'm savvy enough to start messing that deeply into the workings of the OS.
I don't want to end up with a brick
I see that the droid uses a captive touch screen. Is that type more forgiving?

As was mentioned, practice makes (near) perfect. After having mine since Sept, I have gotten 1000000% better at flicking the screen right. But I still make a few ooops once in awhile. But I would never want to go back to something like the Blackberry Bold again with NO touch screen, eeeewwwww! When ther are times that minute scolling or selecting is needed, that stylus comes in mighty handy!

As for the Droid? Have you held one in your hand? JUNK! And that keyboard it has? YECH! Except for a keyboard on my old Blackberry Bold, there simply is no other phone out there with as good a one as the TP2. If it were any bigger, it would have to be a "netbook" :)

One thing I will warn you about, and save you some sweat or lost hair (from being pulled out by you), as I too am on VZW, though the custom roms are awesome, and very often way better than the stock one you have now - there WILL be problems with the special VZW apps web page, as well as not getting VZ Nav to install or work. And some need tweaking to get the MMS messaging to work. So unless you are a tweaker at heart, stick with the stock VZW 6.5 rom, and just carefully pick and choose the tweak cabs you install. And do those one at a time in case it might break something, and you can easily uninstall it. Do that, and you should be fine :)
That's a big no on the cap active it is actually more sensitive so if you just barely touch the screen it will register I hated this on my Palm Pre.


I said it was more precise and pressure sensitive, not more sensitive. but no biggie.

I agree with you on the calibration method.
now I'm confused. Lets see if I've got this right
The TP2 uses a resistive touch screen and the Droid uses a captive touch screen.
The resistive is more accurate and sensitive. The captive screen is pressure sensitive.
Does the resistive system use temperature or? Not that it really matters.

A continuing problems:
I find that if I forget to put the phone to sleep and put it into my pouch I often times will call someone from the list of past calls that hides under the phone pad.
Is there a way to not have any contacts, or call history selections buried. The contacts need 2 taps to make a call so that's not as serious
The ones under the phone number pad seem to just need 1 touch.
now I'm confused. Lets see if I've got this right
The TP2 uses a resistive touch screen and the Droid uses a captive touch screen.
The resistive is more accurate and sensitive. It is more accurate and pressure sensitive
The captive screen is pressure sensitive. The Capacitive is sensitive to the touch, uses static electricity from your hand I thinkDoes the resistive system use temperature or?No I don't think so. Not that it really matters.

A continuing problems:
I find that if I forget to put the phone to sleep and put it into my pouch I often times will call someone from the list of past calls that hides under the phone pad.
Is there a way to not have any contacts, or call history selections buried. The contacts need 2 taps to make a call so that's not as serious
The ones under the phone number pad seem to just need 1 touch.
If you hold the end button it will lock the phone so you won't pocket dial.
Yea I know about that procedure but that would mean that I would need to be concentrating on that. It's just habit to slide it into the pouch when the call is over. Probably just a learning curve.
I'm going into the VZ store this sat. early am. they have classes to help the nubies figure out the pdas
I got a hunch that you guys know way more about these units than the store guy do.
Install SmartLock to make the device lock when you turn it off or when the backlight dims (your choice among other features).


Thank this person here if you like this program.

SmartLock can be found in Settings > System after installation.

Install KeyLock to allow the front keys to wake the device or to make them unresponsive when the device is locked.

Keylock is found with your other programs.

Hope that helps.
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FYI, that version of SmartLock breaks HTC Volume controls on my Sprint Touch Pro 2 running MalRom 6.5 v1.5 so I uninstalled it. I believe earlier versions were compatible, but I haven't taken the time to try one out.

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