Twitter account added automatically


New member
Jul 15, 2013
Hi Friends - I started to see twitter contacts and updates in my phone. When i go to "People" title, i get twitter updates and news along with twitter contacts. Previously I was getting facebook news and updates. How did twitter come in place of facebook. I understand faceboook because i added facebook account. but how the hell in the work twitter came. This is annoying me.

Please help.
-if you want your twitter contacts to disappear:
*go to people
*press the 3 dots
*choose filter contacts list, and uncheck the twitter.

-if you only want your twitter feed to disappear
*go to people hub, swipe to what's new
*press on the showing (next will appear, facebook, twitter etc)
*uncheck twitter

The problem is now gone
I did that. But how did twitter account got added at first place ? Also, in the news feed, I unchecked twitter, but i did not have option to check facebook. Looks like facebook option is gone.
My best guess why twitter suddenly appeared is that the app's latest update (20th January) added support for the people hub. (also If you go to the photo hub you will see a twitter folder, that previously didn't exist)

Now about facebook:
-do you have installed the msft facebook app (sorry if i am asking this, but many people don't like it and prefer alternative)
-if you do have it, maybe uninstalling and reinstalling will fix it.

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