

New member
Dec 2, 2010
I do know that wp7 platform has a higher purchase rate conversion after trials/free app downloads, but I do know it can be a bummer if your app isn't easily accessible in search. There also just aren't a ton of users yet. I think Mango will be a very nice place for dev's. Great easy to use development tools, amazing UI, better market and discovery, all the new API's being released, more users & phones.

Btw, what is your app?

I agree. At the end of the day developers go where they think they can make money.

I haven't heard anything regarding promo codes. The ones for Cocktail Flow would be in-app from the developer. That would let you access more content once you have the app. I'm talking about I give you a code and you get my app for free. If we had those I'd pop 50 or 100 promo codes here in the forum like I did over at the sister-site PreCentral for WebOS.

As for my app, it is called Galactic Beacon: Vol 1. It is a collection of science fiction short-stories, essays and comics. You should be able to link to it from my sig or just look under the Books category/Fiction subcategory in the marketplace.

If you try it, start with the story Sarah. It is my favorite. It is about a one-way trip to Mars.

My vision for the app was to make a digital only sci fi magazine. I hoped I would make enough money to pay other writers. So far that hasn't happened.

The trial version has everything the paid version has except the endings to the fiction stories.

You can also see the comics and read some of the essays on my website: Galactic Beacon Home Page

I'm really torn whether to continue with it or just move on to making games.

If I continue, I'll likely convert it to a free app with ads instead of a paid app. My discussions with other devs leads me to think that is the best way to make money on this platform at the moment.


New member
Feb 12, 2011
Honestly from a business perspective I'd say develop some games for now, and put more time into your apps like Galactic Beacon around the holidays after Mango's been out for a little bit and there's a larger user base. Or ads if you think thats a better way to go. It seems most that are on the platform right now are buying games for the most part, but I know people will be into more things once they've had the phone for a bit longer.

If you find out anything about ability to use promo codes in the future let us know.


New member
Dec 2, 2010
If you find out anything about ability to use promo codes in the future let us know.

I searched around the developer areas and didn't see anything about promo codes. It started me thinking, however, and I realized that it would be easy to implement my own promo codes. The way the trial mode works is that you just check a flag to see if the user has paid, then turn on or off functionality. One more variable and you could hand out your own promo codes to users who could then unlock the full functionality. The only downside would be people sharing the codes. You would have to come up with your own scheme to limit that. It is possible that Microsoft has rules against doing so. I'll have to check into the rules to see.

Option B of course, is free app with ads. No need for promo codes. The only downside is that people love winning free stuff. Getting a code for a paid app feels better than just getting a free app...


New member
Feb 21, 2011
I am making so much more money off ad revenue then paid versions its crazy. Not that I am making much money, but the ratio of one to the other is much higher then I would have imagined.


New member
Dec 2, 2010
I am making so much more money off ad revenue then paid versions its crazy. Not that I am making much money, but the ratio of one to the other is much higher then I would have imagined.

I'm thinking I might give it one more shot with this app as a free, ad supported version. It shouldn't take me long to retro-fit the ads and resubmit. Curious if it would get any action...


New member
Dec 2, 2010
I'm thinking I might give it one more shot with this app as a free, ad supported version. It shouldn't take me long to retro-fit the ads and resubmit. Curious if it would get any action...

I decided to start on a game and come back to the anthology app at a later date if it seems worth it. Downloads (on WP7) flatlined back at the first of May. ZERO downloads since then.

The game is going to be simple so I can test the waters as soon as possible. Casual/indie/puzzle variety. We'll see if I can get traction with it.

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