Unified Messaging


New member
Mar 1, 2014
Are there plans to bring unified messaging to Windows 10 similar to how Apple brought iMessage years ago? Specifically I would like to be able to send text messages from my phone when on WiFi only and have them available in real time on the computer. Is this included in the Windows 10 preview or are there plans to bring it? Without such functionality I believe WP will suffer greatly.
Apple seems to be the only company that can get that right. Even Google has backed off of that and revamped they texting app. I hope they do, though we have no way of knowing until January.
Well iMessage doesn't really work like that. But Skype could offer a similar solution if it was something that was forced on you similarly to imessage. Both of those options would be instant messaging

Only one that works that way you want it to work is Google voice. It sends sms and mms through data only connections.
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I think that feature was just added in iOS 8.

iMessage is just an exclusive mesaging service for iPhone users but with iOS 8 and the new MacOS, I believe notifications will be seen in all your mac devices.

I'm pretty sure Microsoft is on to something like this. But an 'iMessage' like service? I don't think they'd do it in the near future. Why? One, market share is low. Two, they love making cross platform apps and with other free chat apps, the market is too saturated and would be late and irrelevant.

They probably will think about an 'iMessage' like feature if they go beyond 5% of market share (just a rough estimate) but now that they are still struggling to go 5%, I really doubt it
Are there plans to bring unified messaging to Windows 10 similar to how Apple brought iMessage years ago? Specifically I would like to be able to send text messages from my phone when on WiFi only and have them available in real time on the computer. Is this included in the Windows 10 preview or are there plans to bring it? Without such functionality I believe WP will suffer greatly.

Text messages cannot be sent over wifi. They are a function of the phone service therefore go through your SIM card data connection.

iMessage IS NOT text messaging and is not unified messaging either. Unified messaging - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What on earth makes you think that WP will suffer without this "service"?
They need to blur the line between the messing app and Skype. Put a Skype app on windows 10 that looks like a modern app and integrates with contacts but can minimize to the system tray for cross device IM. Have that same app on the phone that can replace the standard SMS app the way Hangouts does on Android. Heck take it a step further and build it on Android too and take over that Android SMS too.
SMS cannot be sent over wifi, true. However, with recent updates to WP, notifications can be pushed over bluetooth. I think that if a user is signed into the same MS account on both devices, and if the devices are linked over bluetooth and/or USB, all notifications should be pushed to Windows 10's new notification center. From there, MS should develop a Universal Messaging app that when used from a desktop, automatically syncs a sent message to your phone and uses the phone's data plan to send the SMS. No use of wifi there. This would definitely drive Windows users to WP because the allure of iOS+OS X messaging is strong, and Android (besides MightyText, sorta) does not have this capability.

Also since Messaging on WP is baked into the OS and not "just" and app, maybe they would bake it into the desktop OS as well since they supposed to be unified? That would likely make it speedier.
Where is everyone getting this information that SMS can't be sent over Wi-Fi?

Because true SMS can't be sent over WiFi. True SMS is sent via special control channels on the cellular network that are used for things like cell tower registration, call setup and tear down etc...

Now a short message can be sent over WiFi and depending on the carrier setup may also be able to receive via the SMS channels on the phone but that is not true SMS. Somebody needs to do a bunch of magic in the background in order to make this work.
Back in the Windows Mobile days, I used to be able to text through Outlook on my computer. You could use an Exchange Server or a 3rd party service. I don't see any reason why they can't build it into the Microsoft account mail now. After all text messages are already backed up there. You would just use your computer to send messages; your phone would see it in the cloud and send it out via SMS and vice-versa.
What on earth makes you think that WP will suffer without this "service"?

I am an Apple guy who has been considering switching to Windows and Windows Phone for a few months. This feature (or lack thereof in Windows world) is solely keeping me from switching. The ability to read and send SMS messages and place/receive phone calls from my desktop (iMac) is a great feature to have and one that I use quite often. When I am working, it is very handy to remain connected through a single device rather than multiple. It is especially nice while in my home. Now, I basically leave my cell phone in my bedroom and carry around my iPad everywhere I go and get all of the same functionality out of that device.

WP may not "suffer" without this feature, but its at least keeping WP from gaining one more customer.... me.
I am an Apple guy who has been considering switching to Windows and Windows Phone for a few months. This feature (or lack thereof in Windows world) is solely keeping me from switching. The ability to read and send SMS messages and place/receive phone calls from my desktop (iMac) is a great feature to have and one that I use quite often. When I am working, it is very handy to remain connected through a single device rather than multiple. It is especially nice while in my home. Now, I basically leave my cell phone in my bedroom and carry around my iPad everywhere I go and get all of the same functionality out of that device.

WP may not "suffer" without this feature, but its at least keeping WP from gaining one more customer.... me.

If you are on Verizon Wireless, the One M8 for Windows has Verizon's Integrated Messaging service which, quite frankly, is really really cool. It allows you to view, send, and receive messages on any device with the desktop app installed.
If you are on Verizon Wireless, the One M8 for Windows has Verizon's Integrated Messaging service which, quite frankly, is really really cool. It allows you to view, send, and receive messages on any device with the desktop app installed.

Separate app from the default messaging app? Like that made a wp app for it ? Or is it built in?
Separate app from the default messaging app? Like that made a wp app for it ? Or is it built in?
Well, there's a setting in Messaging that enables/disables Verizon Integrated Messaging, so there aren't any additional apps to be installed. The only thing you have to do is download the desktop app or the iOS/Android app and sync it with your phone #.
Well, there's a setting in Messaging that enables/disables Verizon Integrated Messaging, so there aren't any additional apps to be installed. The only thing you have to do is download the desktop app or the iOS/Android app and sync it with your phone #.

Cool stuff. I use it with my android I've been using while waiting for cyan/denim.
There ya go. It's a really good service, actually. It syncs almost instantly. Although, if you text from that device, the sent texts do not sync with your phone, which sucks.

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