Unlock code from T-Mobile?

Hi Ile2010
Did you figure out the missing APN option after unlocking?
I am planning to do the same thing, buy a phone unlock it with cellunlocker.net or other and then use it in Canada on WindMobile,
Can anyone tell me where I must send my request for getting unlock code from T-Mobile?
You will have to call T-mobile customer service at 800 937-8997 or 611 from your handset. I assumed that you are currently a T-Mobile customer right?
You will have to call T-mobile customer service at 800 937-8997 or 611 from your handset. I assumed that you are currently a T-Mobile customer right?
No, I'm not a T-Mobile customer right now. And I can't them be because I'm not US citizen.
So I figured out that I must send a fax to T-Mobile with a copy of the original sales receipt showing the Full Retail Purchase Price of the handset.
Unfortunately T-Mo specialists in online chat don't know a real full retail price of Lumia 810. They redirects me to their sales channels. But this channels accepted only by phone :(

On Microsoft Store I can choose only an "Replacement device (No contract changes)" option. Its cost $449. Is it a full retail price?

Can you tell me the cost at which you bought your phone?
$449 is full retail price at the Microsoft Store, $549 is full retail price at a T-Mobile store.

I *think* the Microsoft Store is an authorized dealer so you should be fine getting a free unlock having purchased full price from an authorized dealer.
Actually, the Microsoft Store can't sell unlocked phones, nor do unlocking. If they do, they loose their "dealer" contract. At least that's what I was told when I asked. Only the carrier can unlock the phone.
I was referring to the policy where T-mobile will unlock a phone if you've made a full price purchase at an authorized store, provided you fax them the receipt
I was referring to the policy where T-mobile will unlock a phone if you've made a full price purchase at an authorized store, provided you fax them the receipt
Yep, you are correct. Sometimes you don't even have to send a copy of your receipt, you'll be in their system as never been on contract so they will just give you the code.
Hi Ile2010
Did you figure out the missing APN option after unlocking?
I am planning to do the same thing, buy a phone unlock it with cellunlocker.net or other and then use it in Canada on WindMobile,

I'm using the 810 with Videotron in Quebec/Canada, the phone is SIM/unlocked but the APN settings are still hidden. :(
Of course, I can't download the Network App, still refused by the Marketplace . So I'm stucked with Wi-Fi only.
I'm using the 810 with Videotron in Quebec/Canada, the phone is SIM/unlocked but the APN settings are still hidden. :(
Of course, I can't download the Network App, still refused by the Marketplace . So I'm stucked with Wi-Fi only.

The network setup app is still not available for WP8 hence you are seeing that message. If I were you I would have inserted the unlocked carrier SIM and reset the phone and try to activate it using that SIM still in the phone, I am not sure if magically the network setup app or APN settings might have showed up, it happened to to me on my Lumia 900 after ATT unlocked it. You can try this if you are okay with wiping of your data.
The network setup app is still not available for WP8 hence you are seeing that message. If I were you I would have inserted the unlocked carrier SIM and reset the phone and try to activate it using that SIM still in the phone, I am not sure if magically the network setup app or APN settings might have showed up, it happened to to me on my Lumia 900 after ATT unlocked it. You can try this if you are okay with wiping of your data.

Sadly, I tried this option.
First try was, I unlocked the phone with the Videotron SIM, tried to go on the 4G, did not work.
I reset the phone, with the SIM inserted. After the initial set-up, again the 4G showed up, but no Internet access and no APN settings available. :(
The APN settings are locked out, a reset and/or unlocking will not change that. If it had wifi-calling like Blackberry and Android (T-Mo usa) the issue would be less important. But alas, it does not.
I called T-Mobile last night. Was connected to tech support. I asked for an unlock code and they sent the request in. This morning I got an email with the code. I put in a non T-Mobile sim I had laying around and the phone prompted me for the code. I entered it and now my phone is unlocked. I love T-Mobile.
I called T-Mobile last night. Was connected to tech support. I asked for an unlock code and they sent the request in. This morning I got an email with the code. I put in a non T-Mobile sim I had laying around and the phone prompted me for the code. I entered it and now my phone is unlocked. I love T-Mobile.

That's the good part. If you have a Lumia 810, try now to access the Internet with another operator, it won't work... :(
After 30 days of prepaid service on the device you can begin requesting the unlock code... it will take about 2 weeks to get them to give it to you, but they will... Normally their prepaid service does not offer unlock codes, but for full retail handsets they've been pretty good about giving them out.

As far as the Lumia 810 goes, I've been told that T-Mo has an exclusive on the device and unlock codes may be processed for select accounts before the exclusive is over, but for any retail/non-T-Mobile accounts, the unlock codes will not be given until the period has expired... Sounds like the AT&T Lumia 900 deal all over... Glad mine works with Solavei for everything except for sending MMS... I can live with losing that.
So if I'm reading this correctly, if I were to use an unlocked lumia 810 on ATT I will have no interent?
So if I'm reading this correctly, if I were to use an unlocked lumia 810 on ATT I will have no interent?

Yes, the APN settings are harcoded into the OS image (and cannot by changed), so the Internet and MMS won't work anywhere else; only the voice and SMS will work.
I suppose we'll have to wait for an updated firmware or an app that enables these settings to be changed. That is if one should ever become available........
Just in case u guys didn't know, somebody were able to figure out unlocking the apn settings and posted here in forum. I tried it and it works.

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