Unlocked LG G3 - $155 OBO

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Re: LG G3 Good Condition

Bump! Price Drop to $170

Anyone tempted yet?

I'd also trade for a nice 1520, 930 or 830

Man, I would not give up my Verizon LG G3 for that...

At this point, swappa or ebay if you want to sell it, I guess it's hard to sell a nice Android device on a Windows Phone site....

Good luck and free bump
Re: LG G3 Good Condition

Anyone tempted yet?

I think at least part of what you're up against is that there are new Verizon LG G4's available for <$300. Verizon recently had a deal where you could essentially buy a new LG G4, and get more than its price in rebates and cashback. I bought 2 of them, and I ended up with $300 more than I paid for them in the first place, plus I have the phones! Swappa and eBay are swamped with them right now, reducing the value.
Re: LG G3 Good Condition

I think at least part of what you're up against is that there are new Verizon LG G4's available for <$300. Verizon recently had a deal where you could essentially buy a new LG G4, and get more than its price in rebates and cashback. I bought 2 of them, and I ended up with $300 more than I paid for them in the first place, plus I have the phones! Swappa and eBay are swamped with them right now, reducing the value.

Wow, didn't know that

Hopefully there are ppl who may not be interested in the $200+ range and may want to go with this
Re: LG G3 Good Condition

Could a Mod please add to the thread title that this device is now UNLOCKED.

Unlocked LG G3 for use on any GSM carrier in good 6-7/10 condition, with free 2-3 day shipping (w included tracking & insurance)

This is an awesome deal!! :D ;)
Re: Unlocked LG G3 Good Condition

Bump! Item is still here

What price is gonna be right for this? :)

If your interested in this, just shoot me a PM telling what your be willing to buy this for.

Not really a need to set or announce a price or price drop when folks can just ask what they want this for. :)

Unlocked AT&T LG G3. Free Shipping :)
Re: Unlocked LG G3 Good Condition

Ok, I really didn't wanna go this low but I want this gone ASAP

SO... PRICE DROP $155 PayPal Gift w Free Shipping

Again this is an UNLOCKED LG G3 IN 7/10 condition

Want a different Price? PM Me!! We can work something out. I am willing to negotiate price.

Again $155 PayPal Gift (possibly lower). I just want this gone. This is well below value btw

PM ME!! ;)
Re: Unlocked LG G3 Good Condition


Only $150 PayPal Gift Shipped!!!!

This is literally lower priced than any LG G3 on Swappa! Not to mention this phone is UNLOCKED & I'm including Free Priority Mail shipping. What am I doing wrong here? lol

Only $150 PayPal Gift shipped !!
Re: Unlocked LG G3 Good Condition

Could a Mod please take out the "good condition" from the title and replace it with "$155 OBO"

I'd really appreciate it
Just wanted to chime in saying it might not be you. WC is a relatively small market and it took me a while to sell my Surface Pro 2 bundle despite a fair price. (or less than so, for me perhaps)
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