Unlocked Lumia 950 Dual SIM w/ Mozo back

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Re: Unlocked Lumia 950 Dual SIM w/ many accessories & Mozo backs

Ok. If it is still here next week, I may pick it up. Was debating on the battery age and if I would need to pick up a new one. How's charge hold up?

It's been the normal one day and a bit for me. I haven't had any terrible random cut offs or restarts at all.
Re: Unlocked Lumia 950 Dual SIM w/ many accessories & Mozo backs

I am on the fence about it now. I just picked up the Idol 4S and unfortunately got a ticket yesterday (my birthday) while out with the family.

Happy belated birthday! Sorry about your ticket, that's a bummer.

General note, the 950 plus accessories is still available.
Re: Unlocked Lumia 950 Dual SIM w/ many accessories & Mozo backs

Keeping an eye, here @libra89...I really need a RM-1105, but I could settle on either or. Plus you are adding quite a few cases and backs. I will let you know before Friday if I plan to purchase. What backs are left in the 200.00 price?
Re: Unlocked Lumia 950 Dual SIM w/ many accessories & Mozo backs

Keeping an eye, here @libra89...I really need a RM-1105, but I could settle on either or. Plus you are adding quite a few cases and backs. I will let you know before Friday if I plan to purchase. What backs are left in the 200.00 price?

This is a RM-1118, NA Variant. There's a original black back. The other back is a Mozo green back that is on the 950 right now.
The other 2 have been sold already.
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Re: Unlocked Lumia 950 Dual SIM w/ many accessories & Mozo backs

@libra I have sent another pm.
Re: Unlocked Lumia 950 Dual SIM w/ many accessories & Mozo backs

I've received several phones through ups up to Canada. Usually pretty quick and most cost effective to receive.
Re: Unlocked Lumia 950 Dual SIM w/ many accessories & Mozo backs

Does anyone have some ideas on what would be the best way to send this phone and box to Halifax, Canada.

I looked at USPS website and see some international options.

Just mailed a box USPS International Priority today and it was $45. It was a Flat Rate Medium box though. This phone may fit in a small. I imagine that it would still be around $30 or so though.
Re: Unlocked Lumia 950 Dual SIM w/ many accessories & Mozo backs

It can't fit in a small, but this is still available.
Re: Unlocked Lumia 950 Dual SIM w/ many accessories & Mozo backs

Hey,guys,I'm still learning,is the "bump" some kind of thing so the post doesn't have to be taken down,idk,I'm not being a jerk or whatever,maybe I should read the guidelines,my apologies for being ignorant
Re: Unlocked Lumia 950 Dual SIM w/ many accessories & Mozo backs

I marks it unread, for one. Flags it with an unread post. Also sorts it to the top as latest unread...:)
Re: Unlocked Lumia 950 Dual SIM w/ many accessories & Mozo backs

Hey,guys,I'm still learning,is the "bump" some kind of thing so the post doesn't have to be taken down,idk,I'm not being a jerk or whatever,maybe I should read the guidelines,my apologies for being ignorant

No problem!

"Bump" is old forum lingo/language for moving a thread up to the top of the list. The Mobile Nations Marketplace allows the original poster to "bump" a thread once a day. But sometimes others come along and do it as well as a means of courtesy.
Re: Unlocked Lumia 950 Dual SIM w/ many accessories & Mozo backs

@libra89, I will need to pass. I had recently bought a cheap 950xl (used), it had the warranty until May of this year. Well I had to have an RMA done, and low and behold they just sent me a new/newer unit. So ya, I will take the nice and shiny I got for now. Hope the best to you to sell this soon!
Re: Unlocked Lumia 950 Dual SIM w/ many accessories & Mozo backs

@libra89, I will need to pass. I had recently bought a cheap 950xl (used), it had the warranty until May of this year. Well I had to have an RMA done, and low and behold they just sent me a new/newer unit. So ya, I will take the nice and shiny I got for now. Hope the best to you to sell this soon!

That's a solid deal! Thank you for the luck and for getting back to me.
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