Update for Focus 1.4


New member
Jun 25, 2011
Hey Wp7 gang! Just now got back to civilization and am able to get back online. Trying to get caught up on what's been happening in the windows world and wondered if anyone has heard anything on if there has been a fix for the 1.4 update problem. I've had my focus for bout 2 weeks now and love it. windows is awesome compared to android and will eventually be right there with apple in the number of apps and their quality. Does anybody think there might be a possibility that Samsung or At&T might just let the 1.4 owners swap to a different phone (Focus 2) if they can't fix the 1.4 updating problem??
Not sure what they are doing, but I would pretty much demand one. Thats faulty hardware in my eyes.
I'd definitely get the rev 1.3. you're within 30 days so I'd definitely get it swapped if I were you.

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I'd definitely get the rev 1.3. you're within 30 days so I'd definitely get it swapped if I were you and ASAP.

Sent from my Windows Phone via Board Express
Agreed. Did this for my mom a couple weeks back. First store didn't have any; second store did. After explaining to them that the update wasn't available for 1.4 phones, they did the swap. After 30 days, you're stuck going through the device support center, who officially only replaces devices which have software issues. After two (about to be three) refurbs, I can't say I'm a fan of them, despite the fact that they look new.

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