Update on 1/12/17 - Running very hot


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Jan 12, 2017
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Hey everyone.

I just did the update that was available today when I got to my office and now my i7 SP4 on which the fan almost never ran unless I had like 10 tabs open on chrome, is now extremely hot even when sitting at the base windows screen with no programs running at all on darkest brightness. The fan is running full speed and it's very hot to the touch. Any ideas what the update was all about and why it may be tearing up my device?


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Jul 31, 2015
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If you are talking about the cumulative update released on Tuesday, January 10, 2017, then I can say that my SP4 i7 16GB is running cooler and I hear the fan a lot less. If you are talking about the 15002 Windows Insider release, well, it's an Insider release, so you can expect it to do strange things.


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Jan 16, 2016
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I had the same issue and did some research. Once the update is done, Windows starts to clean up the Component Store Folder (see post below for more information, Link included) - When this happens the Surface Pro, or any other PC uses A LOT of processor power, thus causing the fans to kick in and of course the system heats up as the folder is cleaned. I was flipping out because my Surface Pro was running mega-hot with fans on full blast for a couple of hours - the process can take quite some time. I use Yamicasoft Windows 10 Manager which allows me to clean the folder manually at will. Killing the process will only make it come back again, until it has finished. I cannot say this is YOUR pc issue, but this is what happened / happens with my machine after a Windows Update. Hope this helps. Best of luck.

The WinSxS folder is located in the Windows folder, for example c:\Windows\WinSxS. It’s the location for Windows Component Store files. The Windows Component Store is used to support the functions needed for the customization and updating of Windows. Here are some examples of how the Windows Component Store files are used:
Using Windows Update to install new component versions. This keeps systems secure and up-to-date.

Enabling or disabling Windows features.

Adding roles or features using Server Manager.

Moving systems between different Windows Editions.

System recovery from corruption or boot failures

Uninstalling problematic updates

Running programs using side-by-side assemblies

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