Upgraded HTC Touch coming to Sprint

Actually, HTK is skinable and the default skin is not the iPhone one. It's also an old app, nothing new.

Who are these iPhone haters BTW? Is everyone who uses a WM device with an iPhone skin or theme a hater?

Better yet...

Who cares? What does this have do with anything?

The video you posted shows an iPhone theme though (I guess thats the iPhone theme). Hard to get a good idea how it is because he is typing in Chinese (I think).

Anyway, I like the device besides the low res screen, OS, and no keyboard. I wish the entire OS was touch-flo. All the pretty screen just act as an overlay to regular Windows Mobile.
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I played with the Touch about a month ago. J&R Electronics in NY always seems to get the unlocked/unbranded devices really quickly.

Anyway, although the phone is really small and great for weekend use (in terms of size), if you do a lot of texting on the weekend with friends, etc, the device just won't cut it. Who has time to take out a stylus and tap a message. If you use tengo or some of the otherkeyboards, the problem with texting is that you often use hybrid/made up words to say things, like "u" for you and "ur" for your, etc. It can be difficult typing like this.

Don't get me wrong, the device was beautiful and if they had a virtual keyboard like the iPhone has, I would have bought it. Instead, I use the Dash for weekends and the Tytn for weekdays. (Thank goodness for GSM/SIM). Although the Dash is Standard and the Touch is Professional, the keyboard and competitive size of the Dash make it a better option.

I would say that HTC and others need to try and cover the basics of the keyboard if they want to make it compete against the iPhone. Otherwise, users will get their hands on it and get frustrated by it and decide to go with the iPhone instead.
I saw the other day how sprint made the announcement and I went on the HTC website and could not wait for this phone to come out as it has EVERYTHING palm lacks, gps, wifi, true touchscreen, wm6 etc and I just now really after reading this forum that the text messaging would SUCK...I send about 3,000 text messages a month and I would go insane. I thought they would learn n the keyboard would be somewhat like the iphone where you can get good at it but if it is just the standard wm keyboard that suX....WHY OH WHY do most ALL these people come out with a great phone and then screw up a total major feature to keep it less then close to perfect? anyone else agree? cause i really love the form factor n features of this phone:mad:
I saw the other day how sprint made the announcement and I went on the HTC website and could not wait for this phone to come out as it has EVERYTHING palm lacks, gps, wifi, true touchscreen, wm6 etc and I just now really after reading this forum that the text messaging would SUCK...I send about 3,000 text messages a month and I would go insane. I thought they would learn n the keyboard would be somewhat like the iphone where you can get good at it but if it is just the standard wm keyboard that suX....WHY OH WHY do most ALL these people come out with a great phone and then screw up a total major feature to keep it less then close to perfect? anyone else agree? cause i really love the form factor n features of this phone:mad:

This is just one of HTC's phones. They make different varieties to satisfy different consumers. The Touch is very similar in hardware specs to the 6800 except it has twice the RAM and no keyboard.

But wouldn't the Touch be very usable with the PCM virtual keyboard (ala iPhone?)

It would be interesting how that works.
Why would you say "good luck using your fingers"?

Maybe he thought you usually type with some other body part :o

Seriously though, I assume he was alluding to the smaller 2.8" diagonal screen compared to the larger iPhone screen. It's possible to do the touch typing, but its not as easy as it would with an iPhone. Fortunately, I don't have to worry about it since I have my 6800 :)
well, here's what CNET has to say about it.....they liked the touchscreen, and WM6, wi-fi and bluetooth (what, no 3G??? :) ).

The bad: The Touch's tiny onscreen keyboard makes it a pain to enter any text, and the TouchFLO feature doesn't work in landscape mode. The SIM card and microSD slots are hard to access. Also, speakerphone quality was poor, and the device can be sluggish at times.

The bottom line: The HTC Touch boasts an innovative touch screen and sleek interface, but the lack of a sizable keyboard really limits the usability of this device. And despite the beautiful hardware, the Windows Mobile smart phone lags in performance and needs a bit more tweaking before we're ready to snatch one up.

sounds like a lot of money for a smartphone that you can't type on very easily. it is cute though, i love its small size.
well, here's what CNET has to say about it.....they liked the touchscreen, and WM6, wi-fi and bluetooth (what, no 3G??? :) ).

The bad: The Touch's tiny onscreen keyboard makes it a pain to enter any text, and the TouchFLO feature doesn't work in landscape mode. The SIM card and microSD slots are hard to access. Also, speakerphone quality was poor, and the device can be sluggish at times.

The bottom line: The HTC Touch boasts an innovative touch screen and sleek interface, but the lack of a sizable keyboard really limits the usability of this device. And despite the beautiful hardware, the Windows Mobile smart phone lags in performance and needs a bit more tweaking before we're ready to snatch one up.

sounds like a lot of money for a smartphone that you can't type on very easily. it is cute though, i love its small size.

The Sprint Touch will have a faster processor, 3G, and it seems extra features added to the interface. Even the text entry will be improved. I'm sure it will find a market, but I dont think WM6 will even be easy enough truly for the mass market.

i think you raise a valid point when stating that wm6 will not be easy enough for the mass market. i personally think that is why the iPhone and even Palm OS Treo's have proven to be popular in the marketplace. many here tend to forget that there is a distinctive difference between the TreoCentral user's wants and consumer america's wants. the processor can be the fastest in the industry but i still don't think that changes much. poor/inefficient text entry on the HTC will probably limit its success.
curious to know what you now think of the iPhone's keyboard, given the similarities of course...

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