Urm... Should I? Would You?

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Yesh but spoil us with pictures of the device and your brief review/hands on with it!!! O_O O_O O_O :D :D :D

I always loved the device but had luck x zero finding it the way I come by most of my devices. :( :/ *pouts*

Edit: And also, there's actually a photography/shootout review floating around somewhere out there that does all four of them purty phones. The Nokia 808, the 1020, the 1520 and the 950XL if I remember it well. :3 :D You should totally go dig it up because its pretty detailed, even has blind tests or something like that if I remember right. And it ends at the fact that while sensor size for sensor size and megapixels, it cant be beat. But the world has slowly progressed beyond it. And how killer it would havebeen if MS hadnt been complete *** hats about obsolescing all our favorite devices and killed all and any chance of new devices to take over the olden mantles. Sighs. *Sadness*

Also, how much did you end up paying out the gate for it? :)

-- W
Baby Jesus! That thing is brand spanking new, even selling it feels like a sin to me. O_O And also, here's my spam galore of the 1020 photography comparisons and shoot outs that I kept talking about. Steve is a very persistent bugger with his love for the device, and longstanding regard for its ability.

Here goes, he always compares it, with literally everything under the sun!

Nokia Lumia 1020 vs Microsoft Lumia 950 Camera Comparison - For the Love of Tech
Windows Phone Camera Face-off: AT&T Nokia Lumia 1520 vs. Lumia 1020 | Windows Central
Camera head to head: Lumia 950 vs the older 930 and 1020
Camera head to head: Lumia 1020 vs Apple iPhone 6s
Camera phone zoom test: Lumia 1020/950 vs Apple iPhone 7 Plus

Also, would it make you feel a little sad if I told you I found someone selling yellow one locally in pretty decent condition for around a 100 bucks. And also spotted the rare 64GB variant too, though that was for around a good 220. If only I had the impulse buy love and money to be able to pull this one. I feel sad now. :'(

Also, I have heard of looking into the Mugen grips as well, instead of just the Nokia ones. Seemed an interesting enough point to make a note of. :)

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