UserVoice: MSFT needs to tell us...


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Oct 31, 2014
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It's great that Microsoft is garnering feedback from us about the technical previews; whether MSFT listens to that feedback and uses it to guide development is another matter.

I really do believe that Microsoft needs to be honest with us. We should be told ASAP what parts of Windows 10 for Phones design are set in stone and will not be changed. That way nobody - from the public or within MSFT - will be wasting their time making/reading suggestions that will not be considered.

For instance, it's almost certain that we will have hamburger menus, but will these be confined to the top of the screen? We should be told whether there is a chance they will move to the bottom instead.

If Microsoft can be honest with us, it may help to assuage the discontent expressed by some of us.


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May 16, 2013
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I don't think they're ready to do that. It looks like WP10 will only be finalised some time after the launch of the PC W10, and I expect they added the Me Too count to feedback comments for this very reason.

I am a bit surprised that they're not positioning more of the points you need to hit regularly within reach of the user's right thumb. I keep swapping between IE and PSpartan, and there's no question that the address bar makes more sense down low. However, I do understand putting tabs and menus up high, because that's always where people will naturally look for those things.

Still, all the designers are WP users too, and they have to live with these decisions for a while as well. I expect they'll come to the same conclusions as most of us would, although that's got to be balanced against what people who don't yet use WP need to see on the phones. If I have to live with some backwards pieces here and there, I'll deal with it, same as I deal with the unbelievably annoying search button being set off by the radial section of my thumb and any surface I place the phone on.


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Apr 9, 2015
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At this point, I simply don't care what the final WP10 looks like (or functions like) for that matter. As the basturd children of the phone OS market we don't exactly have winning credentials when it comes to picking the fastest horse. :)

I just hope it catches on so I can see some freaking app development actually take place. Geezus, it's pretty dismal out there.

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