Verizon 8x problems texting "can't send message Try Again"

I've had this problem ever since GDR2. Both the underground car garage and bathrooms at work kill my signal, so I hit this constantly (once an hour or so).

Three workarounds I've found are to:
  1. Reset the phone (slowest)
  2. Cycle airplane mode
  3. Cycle the cellular connection from Global to LTE/CDMA and back (fastest)

Since people started talking about text backup maybe affecting this, I turned off text backup this morning. In and out of the garage, elevators, and bathroom and so far no issues today. Also cleaned up some stale messaging threads and turned off Facebook chat, but we'll see if this sticks. If I can make it through the whole day without one dropped SMS then I'll be happy.

11/22 Update: Since turning off text backup, I only hit this about once a day (and it's legitimate, since signal at my desk is awful). Usually the 1st or 2nd try again works. I've not had to reset my connection or reboot my phone once in two weeks, and I text constantly.
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My wife has this problem occasionally with her 8X on Tmo and I have noticed it a few times, but not as frequenlty, with my Nokia 925 (on Tmo). It occurs most often when she tries to send a picture via text.
Have had this problem with HTC before, had a similar issue on my Trophy. Had this problem ever since I got the 8x, replacing the not-so-amazing Nokia Lumia 928 (2 hardware failures).

As of yesterday, 12/02/2013, I got the GDR3 Update. This morning I had the problem again. I have long since tried phone resets, turning off all text/sms backup options, turning off wifi (all these before and after GDR3). Well I am still having the problem.

I was about to leave Windows Phone after my Trophy, but United released their app for WP8. Well after this contract I am about ready to leave Windows Phone again. This text problem is key (#1). Problem 2: lack of Windows Phones offered by Verizon, Problem 3: no US Bank app (lack of many apps in general). It would be nice if Microsoft got their $h!# together, but they aren't doing a very good job of it. I favor competition in the market, but it took them almost 3 years to allow customer ringtones (GDR3). Come on guys.
This was quite a while ago so I do not remember the source but it might have been here on WPC.

Someone describe this error as a sim error not making a clean/good contact with your phone. The fastest way to fix this is to put scotch tape on the back of your sim 2-5 layers. ( I did 2 layers) and slide it back in. This will ensure that your sim is making contact with your phone.

I haven't had text sending error ever since I tried.

Alternately you can call HTC and have them send you an new sim tray as this is a recognized defect/failure by HTC and they haved designed a sim tray 2.0.

Again. I read these tips a long time ago and do not remember where I have read this.
This was quite a while ago so I do not remember the source but it might have been here on WPC.

Someone describe this error as a sim error not making a clean/good contact with your phone. The fastest way to fix this is to put scotch tape on the back of your sim 2-5 layers. ( I did 2 layers) and slide it back in. This will ensure that your sim is making contact with your phone.

I haven't had text sending error ever since I tried.

Alternately you can call HTC and have them send you an new sim tray as this is a recognized defect/failure by HTC and they haved designed a sim tray 2.0.

Again. I read these tips a long time ago and do not remember where I have read this.

Tried the SIM tape thing - it fixed the no service issue but I still get the "Try Again" message, even after GDR3.
Tried the SIM tape thing - it fixed the no service issue but I still get the "Try Again" message, even after GDR3.

Yeah, grd3 did not correct the issue, as I was hoping. Happened to me a lot last night. Read this thread this morning and got all excited after reading the suggestion to turn text backup to off. Went to that setting and I already had it turned off, so that isn't the issue. <sigh>

I am not a developer, but isn't updates supposed to make things better? Just makes sense. I can't stand when your device is working fine, get an update, and problems start. Then, have to wait months for the problems to be fixed.
My wife's ohone has had this problem for months. We have been to the local Verizon store 5 times to complain and they have tried different things, but none have worked. The last time they put a new sim card in and it was ok for a few weeks, but now is back. They said maybe an update will be out to fix it. I have a Nokia 822 and haven't had an issue with it. The 8x is junk in my opinion and Verizon hasn't been much help.
Mine was a network problem. I'm located in the mountains and the nearest cell tower is 12.5miles in the town east of me. My phone gets on LTE when I hit the 9 mile mark, I always check it, but my wife's and sons android phone can get multimedia messages where as I can't. And I now that the terrain messes with the reception. I usually have to use roam to download multimedia texts/pics. I've already talked to tech support about it and they said wait for the next update, this was back in mid June this year.
I have been a regular sufferer of this issue but haven't seen it since the recent updates that went out to the developer/tester audience. <knocking on wood>
4 days later my optimism is increasing that the two small updates that went out to the dev preview folks has finally resolved the can't send issue once and for all! I haven't had a single instance since. But still "knocking on wood" for the time being....
I had an interesting conversation with a Level 2 tech at Verizon named Chris. While he could not fully explain the cause of the issue, it seems to have something to do with the SMS traffic and the "Switch" that the cell phone is connected to at the time. He "cleared the traffic" and reset some things with my account on the switch.

I honestly have no idea what this all means but for now it seems to have resolved the issue. I can tell you that I will keep calling and bothering them if this fix is not permanent.

He also recommended as I travel a lot, that I power cycle the device at each new location I go to. Hard resets the switch connection as apposed to my phone just jumping to a new switch that is available.
I am having the same problem here. Usually about one per week. Powering down then back up and forwarding the message to the intended contact seems to temporarily fix the issue. Hopefully a fix will come soon.
I'm having this problem as well. It started after I switch to TMobile, then back to Verizon because my HTC 8x wasn't working well on TMobile. When I rejoined Verizon, everything was back to normal except the Retry problem. Thing is, my texts always go through on the third retry, so it isn't too much of an issue, just a nuisance. I'll try some of the workarounds in this thread and report back if anything works.
After I turned off international text checking, it got Worse! Takes 3 times to successfully send a text now instead of only having the issue once in a while.
It's interesting that this is only happening on the HTC 8X, or so it seems. I haven't heard this issue happening on the Lumia 928. My wife is ready to jump ship because of this so I'm in damage control and about to buy 928 off eBay : /
The issue is being investigated. I've brought it up to the software guys at work and they are looking into it. It isn't a Verizon issue only, also not HTC 8X only...but frustrating all the same. I believe it is in the OS. But again, it's reported and being worked out.
I had an interesting conversation with a Level 2 tech at Verizon named Chris. While he could not fully explain the cause of the issue, it seems to have something to do with the SMS traffic and the "Switch" that the cell phone is connected to at the time. He "cleared the traffic" and reset some things with my account on the switch..

"That is not the sole reason. It isn't always a network issue. I'm glad it seems to be working for you though.

I can tell you that I will keep calling and bothering them if this fix is not permanent.

Don't do this. It won't help. Just make sure that you have reported the issue in a way that it gets to someone that can do something about it. Chris is a great guy, I'm sure, but he doesn't write the software for the OS.

If you do call back, call once and ask the technician to look up the issue in the internal device forums for the HTC's in there. Not everyone has access to it. Whoever you get, let them know that a prior tech created a post detailing this issue and you'd like to add to it. If they have access they will gather your device info such as software version and such, and the problem description. That's it. If enough people report it in this way, the guys that report the widespread issues to the manufacturer, will notice and escalate it to Microsoft and HTC (or whoever depending on your device and OS) as an issue that needs fixing in an OS update.

He also recommended...that I power cycle the device...

This is always a good idea every once in awhile, regardless if you travel a lot or not. Computers like being reset every now and then. Keeps things fresh and clean. We all benefit from a quick nap, right?

As for my two cents, I find that copying the failed message, then deleting it, then pasting it back into the same thread and sending makes it go through. Try that next time this happens.

Good luck.
I have this now every single time I try to send a text. I'm about to take up TMobile on their offer if they'll buy the 8x. Would rather not, but this is insanely irritating.

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