Verizon - Now or Hope for 4Q New Phone?


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Jun 28, 2011
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I've been wanting a WP7 phone since it was first announced. I am currently off contract with Verizon and have a Blackberry. When the Trophy first went on sale - I played with it and was a little scared off by the touch screen for texting. I fat finger alot when typing and prefer a keypad like the BB for text. Also compared to say the Focus - the phone is good but does not excel in an area.

I'd rather wait until the second release of phones but I'd hate to have Verizon lag months behind the other carriers. So looking for opinions on getting the Trophy or waiting. I like what I've seen/heard so far about the Nokia but the waiting is hard. I'd think about switching carriers but I'm currently still on the unlimited data package. I'm also thinking a Mango native phone might be better. :)

(correct phone name - thanks for catching that)
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Dave Blake

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Jan 11, 2008
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First what are talking about is the Trophy on Verizon the Arrive is Sprints WP7 and has a sliding keyboard.

The Trophy and all the WP7 touch screen keyboards are way better than Andy or Fruit phone so give it a try. The Trophy will get Mango just like all the others and sense you have a couple of weeks where you can take it back I say go for it what do you have to lose?

Umm Yeah

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Jun 11, 2011
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I am a BB user and I was also concerned about switching to a virtual keyboard due to fat finger-itis. What I can tell you is that the word recognition feature on the HTC Trophy is AMAZING! I could get almost every letter of a word wrong due to my fat fingered typing and 95% of the time it guessed the correct word. The longer the wrod, the better the accuracy, as there are fewer letter combinations that would fit the pattern. On occasions where the default word isn't correct, it lists many variations that it might be that you can select. I found that if I didn't worry too much about what the phone defaulted to and just typed straight through and then went back to review, I could type as fast or faster than I could on my BB. Because I am dependent on Google Calendars due to my work and WP7 can't currently handle anything except the primary Google calendar at this time, I had to return it and let me tell you, I HATE having to type on my BB now. I'm just counting the days until Mango comes out and hoping against hope they have fixed the Google calendar issue.

My wife has an Android and the accuracy isn't nearly as high nor is it as easy to use. Take it for a test drive for a couple of weeks. I think you'll like it.


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May 26, 2011
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TBH, with VZW it's always been hard to wait. They don't seem concerned about releasing new phones other than Android devices. Even their messaging/feature phone lineup is limited and tends to stagnate.


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Jun 16, 2011
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I was in the same boat a week ago, and decided to take the plunge before July 7th. I got the Trophy, and I have yet to be disappointed; it's a phenomenal OS, fantastic phone, and I love the build quality! People will disagree with me for saying this, but I like the build quality a lot more than the Focus, but again my opinion.

The only phones that have been leaked so far have been the Sea Ray (Nokia's N9 with WP7) and the rumored HTC Mazaa, which has a 12MP camera and is exactly the same build as the Trophy. If someone else knows of others please add them. There are definitely more out there on their way, but there's no guarantee of them being CDMA or when they'll be released on Verizon. The phones that have been linked have almost exactly the same specs just better cameras so if you want to wait 6 months for a better camera wait, but otherwise it'll perform the same. The Trophy, like all WP7 phones, will be fully compatible with Mango as well and will speed up the device vs the current build.

As far as the keyboard is concerned, I came from a Motorola Droid and loved my physical keyboard as well as Swype, but after using WP7's, I'm a convert. I absolutely love their keyboard and I have large hands myself.

I mean if you look at reviews of the HTC Trophy you've got a 9/10 from here, 4.5/5 on, and the, dare I say, anti WP7 sites have it around 7.5/10, which is the same as all other Windows Phone 7 devices, except the Arrive at 8/10.

I don't think you could go wrong with the Trophy, there will always be something new around the corner. If you want it get it. With Windows Phone's uniformity, the hardware has to be what Microsoft wants it to be so that you get the same performance from all phones. After the leak of Nokia's Sea Ray device I wholeheartedly believe we will not be seeing a battery eating 4G LTE phone or dual core performance until next year when the developers have more time with Mango.
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May 29, 2011
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I have to agree with everyone. I actually sold my Verizon iPhone to get the Trophy and I have not been disappointed. It is definitely a under rated phone and the price is great plus a free Xbox game. I know with my discount I paid 99 dollars plus a 50 dollar game. Great deal. Even if u don't have an Xbox u can sell on eBay or give as a gift. I would say go for it. Also check out all the reviews from users on verizons website. The Trophy is one of the highest rated phones. Microsoft definitely has a hit here with the new windows phone.


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Jan 6, 2011
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Think of it this way. You've been wanting a wp7 phone, right? Well, if you wait for Verizon to get some new models, then who knows how long you'll have to wait? It could be a fairly long time yet.

If you get the Trophy now, then yeah, it'll be a while before you can upgrade again. But at least you'll already have a WP with Mango to play with while you ride out the contract.

I had this dilemma as well and I decided to jump in and get the Trophy. I figure it'll be easier to wait for my next upgrade to come up than it would've been to wait until late this year (next year?) for my first WP. At least this way I have a WP now and I am loving it. I don't regret the decision.


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Mar 15, 2011
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I was also one that fit this dilemma. I came to the conclusion that, by the time, I'm ready to upgrade again (2013), Windows Phone 8 should be around the corner, with newer and better phones than what we'll be seeing this year and the next.


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Jun 6, 2007
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I'm in the same boat with Sprint...I was all set to pull the trigger on the Arrive but then the rumors about the Mazaa popped up...but then I hear more rumors that it is just a "demo for Mango" device and will never come to Sprint...

It's getting harder and harder to hold back though...I have a feeling I will "cave"...

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