Verizon Q9c And Comic Sans Font


New member
Oct 14, 2008
I apologize if this is a stupid question, but I'm pretty new to smartphones and Windows Mobile. I just purchased a Motorola Q9c from Verizon and I upgraded it to Windows Mobile 6.1 - is there a way to add the Comic Sans MS font to this phone, and use it to display everything (words and numbers)? I have tried to drag-and-drop the font file from my Windows Vista PC into the Windows folder on the phone when its connected via the data cable, but it tells me every time that the device (phone) has stopped responding. I'm not even sure how I'd set that font as the display font should I ever be able to get it into the phone! Music and picture files drag-and-drop onto the phone without any problem whatsoever!

If anyone could help me with this, I'd greatly appreciate it!

Thank you!

I've looked all over for this same fix. I have had a Q (multiple versions) for a while now and I am pretty sure this is not something that can be done.
Any TT fonts can be used in WM. Put them in the Windows "Fonts" folder. Hope this helps. -Q

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