well i was all set to do it... had all my languages written down, plugged in my phone and launched the program. unfortunately, it doesn't work on xp. i found the following in the comments on the seven-eighter page:
"The problem is that the VC# project is targeted to .NET 4.5 which isn't supported under Windows XP. Download the sources, in SevenEighter.csproj, change "<targetframeworkversion>v4.5</targetframeworkversion>" to "<targetframeworkversion>v4.0</targetframeworkversion>", in App.config, change "<supportedruntime sku=".NETFramework,Version=v4.5" version="v4.0">" to "<supportedruntime sku=".NETFramework,Version=v4.0" version="v4.0">". After that, you can open the project in VS 2010 and compile it. "
so it's one little change in two files to make it work on xp, and others also posted saying that it works. however, using visual studio, and compiling programs is beyond me. i tried, i installed vs 2010 express and tried to open the project, but i just couldn't figure it out.
i guess now i can only hope that enough people are in the same boat, and whoever made the program, or someone else that knows what they're doing makes the changes and posts the program.