Verizon trophy: Have you gotten 7.8 yet?

This isn't a huge problem for me, but is a body else getting a bit of lag entering apps from the tiles? And has anybody fixed this, or least improved it?

via an Eclipsed Galaxy Nexus
Anyone else not getting the Weather Channel app to update the pinned tile after 7.8 update? Just curious.
For those of you that have used seveneighter to update a Verizon Trophy, can you please tell me what language packs you used? I'm confused because there are two places to look at for languages: settings/keyboard/languages and settings/region+language/display language.

I performed this update this past Friday. I only used English and Spanish and it worked fine. BTW these were the languages listed under display, not keyboard.
Now, pertaining to the home screen lag, and this is definitely a long shot, but does giving the device a reset help at all? Has anyone tried this?

via an Eclipsed Galaxy Nexus
My wife is having issues with her me tile showing notifications that aren't there, and since updating her facebook timeline will show the most recent items and then skip several hours worth of content and resume showing stuff that happened 18 hours ago.

I'm considering going back to 7.5, just don't know what is involved with that.
Ok, this may be a dumb question, but WHERE can you get SevenEighter app? It's not in the Market Place.
Ok, this may be a dumb question, but WHERE can you get SevenEighter app? It's not in the Market Place.

It isn't an official app. It's from the dev community. It's mentioned in this WPC article. New tool helps make installing the Windows Phone 7.8 update slightly easier | Windows Phone Central

The article gives a link to the actual download page... Want Windows Phone 7.8 now? Try this easy tool (Update: Now supports 7720) - Windows Phone Hacker

I used it on my Trophy and don't regret it one bit. It does take a while to go through all of the updates, so be patient. Also, I haven't seen the live tile issue people are talking about, but the only 3rd party tiles I use are Amazing Weather and Baconit.
2 more updates available 8860 and 8862 which fixes the update issue and fixes some of the lag seen earlier with 8858 and 8860.

If you already installed the first 7.8 update, would you just plug your phone in and run Seven Eighter again with the update?

via an Eclipsed Galaxy Nexus
Alright, I did the update last night to 8862, but I just wanted to give a warning to others who haven't updated yet - the 8862 update will remove the Google Calendar support. It will let you sync up your contacts and such, but not the Calendar. Facebook is intact, though. You can read more about it on the web, but I just wanted to give everyone a heads up on this one.

via an Eclipsed Galaxy Nexus
Thanks for the heads up. Loss of integration with Google calendar is a deal breaker for me. I HAVE to have that. Guess I won't be going that route.
I just got a Trophy for the first time today. I really appreciate the tips on using SevenEighter to update it! I don't really use Google Calendar; the one on the phone works fine enough for me.

I was disappointed that I wasn't able to update to a WP8 device (my upgrade got used for somebody else in my family :-\ ), but was able to get this phone on eBay for cheap, and the apps that I have downloaded so far seem to work really nice! WAY better than my old Droid X :-D
Guys seriously I cannot stress to you how easy the Seven-Eighter app is. You download the tool, it gives you the link to download the wp update tool, and then you just run it a few times to get each successive update. It takes like 15 minutes max and then you're done, there's no hacking. Just select every language pack because the trophy appears to have them all (see under keyboard settings). After now just updating a Titan and an LG Quantum as well, and they work fine for calls/texts, I'm pretty certain the Trophy is fine too.

What Sever-Eighter app?
well i was all set to do it... had all my languages written down, plugged in my phone and launched the program. unfortunately, it doesn't work on xp. i found the following in the comments on the seven-eighter page:

"The problem is that the VC# project is targeted to .NET 4.5 which isn't supported under Windows XP. Download the sources, in SevenEighter.csproj, change "<targetframeworkversion>v4.5</targetframeworkversion>" to "<targetframeworkversion>v4.0</targetframeworkversion>", in App.config, change "<supportedruntime sku=".NETFramework,Version=v4.5" version="v4.0">" to "<supportedruntime sku=".NETFramework,Version=v4.0" version="v4.0">". After that, you can open the project in VS 2010 and compile it. "

so it's one little change in two files to make it work on xp, and others also posted saying that it works. however, using visual studio, and compiling programs is beyond me. i tried, i installed vs 2010 express and tried to open the project, but i just couldn't figure it out.

i guess now i can only hope that enough people are in the same boat, and whoever made the program, or someone else that knows what they're doing makes the changes and posts the program.

I don't believe VS 2010 Express works with .NET 4.5.

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