Very Happy With my Lumia 950

Love my 950.
Camera way better than my iPhone 6s in both resolution and low light.
Same battery life 2.5 days with light use.
Screen ppi is insane.
I am not so keen on Windows hello, prefer fingerprint reader.
I love Apple Pay.
If the 950 had a fingerprint reader and NFC payments I would sell my iPhone
I live in edmonton and it works just as well as yours. I had a minor issue with the wifi but it seems to be fixed. So kudos
Yeah, but you have to link all your accounts via your Outlook webmail account.
That's very annoying.
It should just be a combined Inbox using the Mail app. It shouldn't be that hard, nearly every other device does this.

No, you can do it in the app on the phone.
My Windows phones just keep getting better. Came from Android to a Focus, to a 920 and now the 950. Better battery life, camera, phone quality and features. The only thing I miss about my 920 is its shiny red color.
you have the camera delay because you have living image and rich capture on. if you put especially the rich capture off the preview time is fast
Well I can answer that, 4k video is broken and it takes longer than an old polaroid camera to process pics its embarrassingly slow. And before anyone tells me to turn this and that off, please don't. No other OS takes this long to process pictures. And on my iPhone, it takes pictures just as good and really fast.
That's garbage, rich capture is basically MS hdr and iOS and Android dont have this laggggg with hdr on.
Camera is not way better, I have both and the iPhone has way better focus, no herky jerky focusing, 4k video works better and picture quality is basically the same. Oh and iPhone camera is way way way faster.
4k video is working fine here.

There's no lag in taking pics, and the only delay is when trying to edit a photo immediately after taking it... and all the settings/features are turned on at their highest setting
Jeddic i haven't upgraded yet, but what would you say are the drawbacks from 8.1? enough positives to outweigh it?

I used 8.1 on a BLU, a Lumia 635 and a Lumia 640. About 3 months or so ago I started using 10 preview full time, it was missing some things, but it has been better than 8.1 since then. I can't think of everything that 10 doesn't have yet, but I remember I used to be able to set a default navigation app, now I think it's just maps by default. There are some other things that 8.1 handled well that 10 doesn't do yet, but overall it is improved. It's worth the upgrade, imho.
Camera is not way better, I have both and the iPhone has way better focus, no herky jerky focusing, 4k video works better and picture quality is basically the same. Oh and iPhone camera is way way way faster.

Does the iPhone camera let you slide from no flash to flash in post, to get the perfect lighting? The iPhone has decent processing, and filters. It's not a camera that can compare to the 950, overall.
Hahahaha u can't even compare Lumia 950 camera with iPhone 6 ....lumia 950 is the best right now....
Oh and iPhone camera is way way way faster.
In side by side use, I've seen the iPhone camera app launch about a second faster - maybe. The iPhone, in some situations can focus faster as well. As far as shooting back to back photos, the 950 can shoot as fast as you can click - I don't know how the iPhone could be faster than that - probably about the same.
The 950 camera is very fast. The only delay you will see, as others have mentioned, is after you shoot a rich capture, it will take 2-4 seconds before its ready to be edited. Rich capture is not just HDR - its what allows the flash adjustment after the shot. It also will capture living images if the subject is moving in your shot.
im also really happy with mine. all i wanted was a powerfull phone, with expandeble storage, large battery. and
a lumia camera that we wanted .
Nice to see a lot of positive responses here. I knew I couldn't be the only one happy with my 950.

I just received the firmware update OTA and I was surprised to see Hey Cortana now working in Canada after the update! The phone feels a bit snappier (possibly placebo effect) to me too. Getting even better as time goes on :cool:
Can anyone see whether the icloud emails can be pushed to windows 10? The option "as items arrive" doesnt show up for icloud emails. Anyway to enable this?
Bought the 950 on November 30. I am not on the insider program. Can someone tell me what the OS build number should be now? Also the latest firmware revision. I received an update I downloaded last week but don't actually know what changed. It did a hard reset with the turning gears. Everything seems the same.
Current hardware revision #-
Firmware revision # is: 01078.00027.15506.02004
OS build 10.0.10586.29.

Thanks for any info
Nice to see a lot of positive responses here. I knew I couldn't be the only one happy with my 950.

I just received the firmware update OTA and I was surprised to see Hey Cortana now working in Canada after the update! The phone feels a bit snappier (possibly placebo effect) to me too. Getting even better as time goes on :cool:
Bought this 950 the first day available, and absolutely love it. It has not been a smooth ride, but well worth the challenges.
My biggest issue now is the scratch I put in the screen. Ugh!

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