Video app in WP 8.1 crashing

I have the same problem with my htc 8s after upgrading to wp 8.1, video app crashes every time. There's no free other video plying apps to use instead of it. It's a shame for Microsoft!
I have the same problem with my htc 8s after upgrading to wp 8.1, video app crashes every time. There's no free other video plying apps to use instead of it. It's a shame for Microsoft!

i snatched the yX videoplayer from windowsphonehub.
But its a sideloadapp so you must have a unlocked phone
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thanks again, but looks like this video player 'yxplayer for WP8(XEM Video)' can't access SD card.
hope microsoft has a solution for this problem.

Yes it can...........
Just make a folder on your SD cart
Name it ( whateveryouwant )
Put your movies in that folder and rename the extenions to .rm instead of .mp4 or whatever.

The player cant acces the standart folders like video. thats why it seems he cant read your Sd card ;-)
Who told you guys to sign in to Xbox music and video? I works good for me, no crashs and there are two types of video players in the 8.1. One is the old one which will open up if u want to view any videos from camera roll or pics hub. The 2nd one is from videos hub and it supports more codecs than in 8.0 and it also supports subtitles now!
I am also facing the problem with Video app. I just updated the available udpate for OS again but still the video app is horrible.. I can't play videos :(
Please notify/ update whenever the fix is available :unhappysweat:
My video app does not shows the section of spotlight, TV and movie store. It shows only the personal videos. What do I do to solve it?
Same with me. Not the same for my friend with 8.1. I suspect we all had the updated Xbox video app on our phone before the update, whereas he did not (pretty sure). If it bothers me enough I will wipe the phone and not pull from the backup. I bet that would fix it, but who knows.

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