Video recording in Windows 10 Mobile - only mono audio?

Update, after a couple of months of 10, I am back to 8.1 after downgrading.
Simply can't live with the sound recording issues, some apps refusing to record in stereo and others unable to record while the screensaver is active. Otherwise 10 was fine and looks better, but the drawbacks too annoying.
These problems have put me off the Lumia950, which is currently being dumped pricewise. Will it be the last Lumia made?
Damn, the 41MP pureview with stereo haac mics was such a promising step, but is a fading memory now.
lumia 930 with windows phone 8.1 my bitrate was 640 and now with windows phone 10 it is only 192 wp_ss_20161007_0001.jpg

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