I've been a dev all of my professional life and for me build was the equivalent of E3. I'd rush to my msdn account downloads and grab the latest stuff and immediately start writing stuff (mostly just for fun). But I haven't been excited at all about the last couple of builds. Nothing there for me. I get it, cloud is the future, but working in a corporate environment that is still using windows 7 (like a LOT of corp environments) we know it'll be a while before we can make use of any of that stuff. And, taking into account that I am in a position that works with the government I KNOW we aren't going to see anything cloud related for even longer (We FINALLY got rid of all our XP machines last year). MS is a business trying to make money, but it seems they are mostly focused on the top 10 of the fortune 500 or so. Thats it. I get it, go where the money is, just don't expect the bulk of your developers (you know, those guys who don't work in Silicon valley or Seattle) to be excited about the cloud, etc. when we're still trying to support windows 7 systems and working to upgrade to 10.