Volume warning

Just to clarify, the BT thing is a separate deal and is actually nice in my opinion. Let's say your volume is set to 15, then you get in your car and connect up to BT. You want to drop phat beats so you boost the volume to 30 in your car. When you get out though it will still be at 15 or whatever you had it to before connecting to BT. Believe it or not the BT is a separate volume control. Get back in your car and it will be back at 30 again.
What you've said is true (assuming that dropping phat beats actually means something... :wink:), however it still randomly drops to 13 and gives the warning while BT connected and playing. It's not very often, but it happens.
What I don't understand about all this is that the system fails to detect the resistance of the headset, so it has no idea what the volume is or whether it is 'damaging' or not, and yet still pops up with this warning. Would be easily ignored, if only it didn't reset automatically every so often, dropping the volume and presenting this nonsense message. Why can't we simply set the ohms of our headset so it can make intelligent suggestions instead of these random audio level drops? Clearly madness reigns.
For the record, my android Motorola X also does the same thing on Bluetooth. I just now connected to my Ford Sync and what turn the volume up it was low and I got a pop-up warning me about being too loud.

Could that be some sort of Bluetooth requirement thingy?

Xbox Gamertag: Barnstormer
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Then Nokia are breaking the rules, because if I connect a low ohm headset to my 820 (which I have from my old Windows Pocket PC days) the volume is much louder, but the alert still pops up at the random figure of 19. Nokia need to either detect the resistance of the attached earphones or there needs to be a setting.
What you've said is true (assuming that dropping phat beats actually means something... :wink:), however it still randomly drops to 13 and gives the warning while BT connected and playing. It's not very often, but it happens.

Yeah just happened to me yesterday. Right in the middle of playing a youtube video in fact, it actually stopped the video to give me that wonderful warning. I had to turn the volume back up and hit play again. Luckily it doesn't happen very often. Disclaimer, no I wasn't watching while driving I just listen to reviews of things. :)
I recently noticed this un-advertized (to me) feature where the volume changes when it connects to my car (2012 GTI).
This is very promising in WP8, it means that a full-featured "Situations" type App is possible where, beside Volume setting, one can set any settings based on the the "Situation".

Before WP8, I was using Symbian phones (S60 through Belle) and the amazing Meego M9 and both have/had the Situations App.

Come on Nokia/MS, bring us Situations....
I would love a situation/profile mode that would allow custom settings. It would be awesome to automatically enter car mode once it connects to my car's bluetooth.
This bug persists in 8.1, which clearly has a separate BT volume, yet still turns down the audio as if it had any clue what the actual volume is (it doesn't). If they are trying to avoid getting sued by people listening to music loudly, maybe they should worry about getting sued for causing an accident when a bicyclist or motorist is distracted when their audiobook suddenly becomes inaudible and they have to dismiss the warning, fix the volume, and rewind their book.
DalekSnare, I couldn't have said it any better.
I'm pretty sure the warning is resetting itself after every reboot which is why it seems random. Why not just a one time warning that waves away your rights to sue them for hearing lose. Also it has lowered my volume even playing through the phones internal speaker.
It would be nice if you could turn that feature off just by agreeing to the terms and conditions saying something like don't sue us if your hearing is damaged.

Posted via the WPC App for Android!
It would be nice if you could turn that feature off just by agreeing to the terms and conditions saying something like don't sue us if your hearing is damaged.

Posted via the WPC App for Android!
This is a terrible feature. It happened to me this morning while I was jogging, I was like, "wtf?" I wish there was a way to turn this nonsense off.
It would be nice if you could turn that feature off just by agreeing to the terms and conditions saying something like don't sue us if your hearing is damaged.

Posted via the WPC App for Android!
I had this pop up right after the second update to "1". I acknowledged it and it has never come back. I don't use headphones tho so I was kind of surprised to even see it. Glad its gone. I can see how this would be really annoying.
This bug persists in 8.1, which clearly has a separate BT volume, yet still turns down the audio as if it had any clue what the actual volume is (it doesn't). If they are trying to avoid getting sued by people listening to music loudly, maybe they should worry about getting sued for causing an accident when a bicyclist or motorist is distracted when their audiobook suddenly becomes inaudible and they have to dismiss the warning, fix the volume, and rewind their book.

Right, cause god forgive the ***** behind the wheel, the one who wrote this post and those that gave it a thumbs up.

It like all warnings on anything any more, caution your hot coffee might burn you.
Id1ots have to be catered too, thank them.
Well, no, 'cause the coffee cup doesn't instantly drain to half empty....!

Like people have said, start with one disclaimer and then let people be free to choose for themselves.

Then why is it installed on AT&T U.S. exclusive phones like the 1520? This is not the EU's fault this is laziness, arrogance, ignorance, or all three on the part of AT&T, Microsoft, or both. They have no problem disabling wireless charging and short changing U.S. customers out of 16GB of storage on the domestic 1520 though, so there is no excuse about extra effort being required to "domesticate" the feature list. They could have disabled this volume nanny or at least made it selectable. They chose neither but had this been an iPhone or Droid? The feature either wouldn't exist or its usage would be selectable by the owner.

So as far as I'm concerned, this is on Microsoft for not enabling selection (where it could simply have defaulted to on for EU users) and on AT&T for half-***'ing the conversion of EU spec to US spec such that only the features that allow them to short change the customer and line their pockets got addressed. Period, end of story. So for people with motorcycles? Who need high volume on the freeway and who have to then either pull over or otherwise wait until they stop to get their phones out of cases, UNLOCK them (because nobody was smart enough to allow clearing the warning message through the screen lock which is also forced now, cannot be turned off and takes 2ns of inactivity to engage), and then acknowledge the warning and turn the volume back up? Screwed.

And that's before realization that this nanny ALSO quite frequently causes the active song interface in the top of the screen to time out and become unresponsive, leading to having to restart the music app or else fiddle with the volume until the song/volume interface reloads/refreshes. God forbid then that you have a buffering internet stream running. I've had time where I sat on the side of the road fighting with my 1520 to restart music at proper volume for 5-10 minutes, finally having to restart the phone to get the BS cut.

Never have this issue with my 6Plus.

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